June Contest Brief, Instructions, Rules, Help.


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Welcome to the Hot Spots Tourist (HoT) agency!

Each summer we fly people all over the hottest places in the solar system on exclusive holiday-making trips.
As a new employee, your job is to transport our customers and point out all the best sights, giving them a good time so that next year they'll book more trips with HoT. We have options at every level for DLC and non-DLC!

Here's our new employee brochure, so you can have a look at our reqularly schechuled flights:
  • Novice: Venus Landing, land a honeymooning couple safely on Venus. Don't worry, next shift will bring them back, it's not your concern.
  • Proficient: Mercury Landing, land some of our braver adventurers on Mercury. Same as Venus above, someone else will take care of them for the return!
  • Expert: Hot flyby tour, swinging past Venus, Mercury and the Sun in any order. There's always that one guy who wants the full experience. With this one, the return to Earth is YOUR responsibility, there is no backup!
We also have a series of flights to carry cargo pods around on the same trajectories as the manned ones above. These pods might have tools, spare parts, "flown in space!" stuff for the giftshop, etc. The only thing is that you're restricted to using non-DLC for these flights.

The legal department insists on lots of little details to promote safety, blah blah blah, which you'd better read! Otherwise the government might get angry with us.
  • No cheats or exploits! This goes without saying, can't break the laws of physics.
  • Damage nothing until AFTER it gets discarded! The customers are sensitive to explosions.
  • BP editing is allowed for part clipping, but engine stretching and "no heat" are forbidden.
    • Additionally, no excessive part stretching that gives a dry mass advantage.
  • No ion engines! Last time we tried using them, we got fined for "Using nuclear reactors without permits". Honestly...
  • Must use the stock 1:20 solar system
  • Stay in the inner solar system! Don't go past Mars, we don't need our passengers to die of old age.
  • More than one launch or buildscreen (0-g assembly) is allowed, but everything must be broken down into buildscreen grids (DLC and non-DLC sized) so you can keep track of total mass used.
  • Venus landing mission requires TWO (2) pods to be connected together and safely landed on Venus.
  • Mercury landing requires TWO (2) pods to be connected together safely landed on Mercury.
  • Flyby Tour requires ONE (1) pod to be flown past Mercury, Venus and the Sun in any order. The Sun flyby must be within 500 000 km (subject to change depending on passenger feedback).

  • Please note that when landed, the pods must be reasonably flat and not have anything attached to them. The customers hate falling out of bed in the morning, and you need to leave the pod ready for the next shift to pick-up.

Entries close on the 2̶3̶r̶d̶ end of June, winner of each category to be announced shortly after.
Submissions will be graded by:
  • Efficiency, what was your total lift-off mass?
  • Originality.
  • Coolness, our tourists love a good spaceship.

The rewards will be cool badges that depending on the level come with some nice perks such as an increase in editing time for posts, and the ability to bypass moderator approval for posting threads in some sections. ;) Winners, use your powers wisely.

Additionally, we may have an exclusive blueprint to sweeten the deal....

Find attached photos and bp files of the passenger (DLC) and cargo (non-DLC) pods.
DLC Crew Pod: Screenshot_20220602-1107372.png
Non-DLC Cargo Pod: Screenshot_20220602-1107162.png

Also we are "hip" employers and made sharing links!

DLC Crew Pod sharing link
Non-DLC Cargo Pod sharing link


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Retired Staff / Scale Inspector
Under Pressure
Fly me to the Moon
MOTY 2022
Mars Pathfinder let's win this one too
Also we have to use the provided capsule, right?
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Forum Legend
DLC has crewed pods, but in this case the Geneva Convention prevents tiny non-DLC crewed pods, so they don't exist, cargo only.

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot

Explorers, Pioneers, Clippers, MIDAS, Valkyries
Under Pressure
Swingin' on a Star
Moon Maker
DLC has crewed pods, but in this case the Geneva Convention prevents tiny non-DLC crewed pods, so they don't exist, cargo only.
So, in that case, can I make what I need for the honeymoon that is good but with two capsules?


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Forum Legend
In your case, you are bringing two cargo pods.
Let's imagine that they are full of supplies.
So you're doing the mission in the exact same way, but with two cargo pods instead of two crew pods.

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot

Explorers, Pioneers, Clippers, MIDAS, Valkyries
Under Pressure
Swingin' on a Star
Moon Maker
In your case, you are bringing two cargo pods.
Let's imagine that they are full of supplies.
So you're doing the mission in the exact same way, but with two cargo pods instead of two crew pods.
So I could just land 2 cargo pods together, lets say on Venus for example, land there together but the 2 pods are dropped off from another ship.


Staff member
Discord Staff
Forum Legend
I'm not sure I understand you.
The pods have to be linked together for the flight, and every separate thing used in your mission has to have a buildscreen picture, launch picture, mission pictures, etc.


There are actually quite the rewards in the form of quicksaves full of goodies... Very goodies! I supply, so I believe that gives you an idea of the quality in it.

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot

Explorers, Pioneers, Clippers, MIDAS, Valkyries
Under Pressure
Swingin' on a Star
Moon Maker
Let's see if I could pull somethin in my garage :p

I'mma break some tourist bones :p
Not YET you don't!!!! I already have most of the ship I need is ready, I just need to get Hermes-2 and Arizona ready on Venus(I sent them two days ago). AND Anaheim Station will help it..