Just some questions :)

8bitCosmonaut Sorry, I didn't realize this was in the comedy section, your call whether to remove my post or alter it.
All those posts I deleted were done as a sick joke against Altaïr's threats back during the blaze of the blazer. The purpose was to make him snap. He did. So with that mission complete, yall can post whatever the fuck you want as long as it is within Rule 5.

The other posts I also deleted are demanded by the head mods for NSFW content. I usually don't like deleting posts, cuz it violates the same right I supported.
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Northern Minnesota, not to be confused with southern Minnesota, we so wish we were Canada and so does Minneapolis...
But now I live in woods of Tennessee where Trump is a great businessman, a good Christian and tomorrow’s only hope for freedom and Mars!
I like to be alone
My granddad owns an eolophus roseicapilla, and calls him Trump because of his pink body and slightly yellow head. He's by far the funniest thing in the house.


Space Stig, Master of gravity
Staff member
Head Moderator
Team Kolibri
Deja Vu
Under Pressure
Forum Legend
View attachment 22864 A venomous caterpillar, yes that is his real hair
Ah, a cousin of the neopalpa donaldtrumpi?
Yes, it is how it was named :p

(I'm not going into politics, it's just intended to be fun, not to denigrate Trump. Please don't judge me on this base)