Long Range Nuclear Missile


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With the Rapid Militarization of the Callisto Trade Alliance, A weapon must be created for defense against their battleships, And as such I have created the Hobbs LRNM.

The Hobbs Space Tech LRNM Is packed with one nuclear warhead, 4930.9 M/S of Delta V.
The payload is also shielded with heat tiles so that the missile can attack ground bases.
The engines used are from the KFS mod
Nuclear warhead from lasers mod
Screenshot 2024-04-18 at 03.12.28.png

Rocket Link

But with these warheads the CTA will never bother you, lest they experience nuclear vaporization. though i wonder if they'll make a way to counteract these.


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Hello. It has come to the attention of the CTA that Hobbs Aerospace is starting production of the Hobbs LRNM. In response, they have challenged the CAEA to design a trans-planetary missile launch system.

AHAIM (Anti-Hobbs Aerospace Interplanetary Missile)


Rocket Link


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After careful consideration hobbs space tech has decided that the 4000 meters of delta v in the hobbs LRNM is not nearly enough (especially if the enemy vessels are near the sun) and as such we've released a new version with 12,072 m/s of delta V. Which means the LRNM is now somewhat viable in IRIS by Altair. Here's the delta V of each stage:
1 - 844.8
2 - 869.6
3 - 866.9
4 - 986.9
5 - 1231.8
6 - 890.8
7 - 1450.4
8 - 3655.3
9 - 1275.6

Screenshot 2024-04-22 at 20.04.37.png
Screenshot 2024-04-22 at 20.05.00.png

As a bonus the carbon emissions of this thing are probably enough to give smaller bodies like phobos or deimos an atmosphere. Rocket Link

Beat that CAEA.

The designation of this rocket is the LRNM-I (or for long, Long range nuclear missile, Iris)


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Under Pressure
After careful consideration hobbs space tech has decided that the 4000 meters of delta v in the hobbs LRNM is not nearly enough (especially if the enemy vessels are near the sun) and as such we've released a new version with 12,072 m/s of delta V. Which means the LRNM is now somewhat viable in IRIS by Altair. Here's the delta V of each stage:
1 - 844.8
2 - 869.6
3 - 866.9
4 - 986.9
5 - 1231.8
6 - 890.8
7 - 1450.4
8 - 3655.3
9 - 1275.6

View attachment 117734 View attachment 117735
As a bonus the carbon emissions of this thing are probably enough to give smaller bodies like phobos or deimos an atmosphere. Rocket Link

Beat that CAEA.

The designation of this rocket is the LRNM-I (or for long, Long range nuclear missile, Iris)
I would like to formally say that the CAEA is not against HST. Let's just say they "persuaded" me into making the AHAIM.

-Z. Bickley, High Overseer of the EEA and CEO of CAEA


Under Pressure
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Makes sense, Any good corporation is only allied with whoever pays them the most. Also after doing some tests the AHAIM has 3143.1 m/s of delta V, which although it isn't much the rocket is only 1,157 tons and it uses cheaper vanilla parts which makes it far more cost effective than the LRNM. Although the LRNM is only 400 tons, the LRNM uses expensive exotic parts which makes it expensive and not cost effective for the majority of military uses, and the LRNM-I is even more expensive at a wopping 14 kiltotons.


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Makes sense, Any good corporation is only allied with whoever pays them the most. Also after doing some tests the AHAIM has 3143.1 m/s of delta V, which although it isn't much the rocket is only 1,157 tons and it uses cheaper vanilla parts which makes it far more cost effective than the LRNM. Although the LRNM is only 400 tons, the LRNM uses expensive exotic parts which makes it expensive and not cost effective for the majority of military uses, and the LRNM-I is even more expensive at a wopping 14 kiltotons.
After the recent CTA meeting on the Hobbs LRNM-I, they are again asking me to design another interplanetary missile. It will be constructed and launched onboard the Jovia-VI Space Station. (Don't tell them I told you! Highly classified location, but I will say it is in high Io orbit.)
Note: Jovia-VI hasn't been made, and I don't actually have any affiliation with ITSA. I just saw an opportunity to make a cool thing.


Rocket Link
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Under Pressure
Swingin' on a Star
Moon Maker
Voyager Quest
ET phone home
Alright, here's a new one, the LRNM-UH or long range nuclear missile - ultra heavy. It doesn't matter if this thing has less delta V than others, this thing is heavy enough that the mere collision of it should cause mass extinction level problems for any base.
Screenshot 2024-04-23 at 17.57.35.png

Screenshot 2024-04-23 at 17.57.56.png

Rocket Link

It has 4104.4 m/s of delta v, still more than most folks should ever need.

oh and after checking my numbers the LRNM-I only has 9641.0 m/s of delta V


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Under Pressure
Alright, here's a new one, the LRNM-UH or long range nuclear missile - ultra heavy. It doesn't matter if this thing has less delta V than others, this thing is heavy enough that the mere collision of it should cause mass extinction level problems for any base. View attachment 117846
View attachment 117847
Rocket Link

It has 4104.4 m/s of delta v, still more than most folks should ever need.

oh and after checking my numbers the LRNM-I only has 9641.0 m/s of delta V
Hello. It has come to the attention of the ITSA that Hobbs Space Technology has started production of the LRNM-UH. In response, we are announcing the AHAIM-III. (Please note that the TWR is irrelevant, as it will be launched after being constructed in space.)


(I do not have any affiliation with ITSA.)
Rocket Link


Staff member
Trial Moderator
Under Pressure
Hello. It has come to the attention of the ITSA that Hobbs Space Technology has started production of the LRNM-UH. In response, we are announcing the AHAIM-III. (Please note that the TWR is irrelevant, as it will be launched after being constructed in space.)

View attachment 117850
(I do not have any affiliation with ITSA.)
Rocket Link
New version with name
Rocket Link