Mercury redstone and mercury atlas no dlc


ET phone home
Man on the Moon
My mercury redstone and mercury atlas
Screenshot_20220711-082436_Spaceflight Simulator.jpg mercury redstone on the pad
Screenshot_20220711-082505_Spaceflight Simulator.jpg going to space
Screenshot_20220711-082534_Spaceflight Simulator.jpg in suborbital space
Screenshot_20220711-082611_Spaceflight Simulator.jpg reentry
Screenshot_20220711-083247_Spaceflight Simulator.jpg landing

Link to mercury redstone

Now for the mercury atlas
Screenshot_20220711-082826_Spaceflight Simulator.jpg mercury atlas on the pad
Screenshot_20220711-082849_Spaceflight Simulator.jpg going to orbit
Screenshot_20220711-082924_Spaceflight Simulator.jpg seperated "stage"
Screenshot_20220711-083007_Spaceflight Simulator.jpg in orbit
Screenshot_20220711-083022_Spaceflight Simulator.jpg the orbit is very elliptical due to no being able to re ignite the engine because i was going for a realistic flight plan
Screenshot_20220711-083105_Spaceflight Simulator.jpg reentry
Screenshot_20220711-083247_Spaceflight Simulator.jpg landing

Link to the mercury atlas