My Drawings

Jez 10

Local Expert Pinoy
ET phone home
Thanks to JL MC.COOL, I came to like Girls und Panzers.
But I have this personality wherein I draw stuff I like.
I can't draw anime, but I can draw the cool tanks.
I'll try to draw ww2 and post-ww2 era tanks.

I drew some tanks, then I decided to create Agila model tanks. (MTT-1, LTT-1, and HTT-1)

[Photo is edited by an AAPE]
I blurred out some details, so you can't laugh your asses off to some inaccuracies in this drawing.

Then I drew a scene from a GuP manga, but I used a different perspective
Horus Lupercal In my personal opinion, the air battle over Britain where the RAF fight the Luftwaffe is too easy.

I have great game change plan.

Battle_Over_Britain V0.1.2 Updates:
- Germans are now invisible
- All airplanes fly at Mach 4.0 minimum
- All airplanes maximum g envelope boundary removed
- All airplanes no longer stall
- All airplanes have no landing gear
- Bailing out of an aircraft will result in permaban
- Switching sides mid battle will automatically label you as Italian, where all your stats will do down the toilet. (Payback >:D)
- German aircraft guns do slightly more damage, they're a lot louder to annoy everyone and their accuracy is 100%
- Nightvision removed. (git gud nub)
- Germans can only be seen on radar
- Geneva convention has been removed
- Tea removed to ruin British morale
- V2 rockets now fly at the speed of light
- V1 flying bomb is now significantly noisier
- Bombers have infinite bombs
- All aircraft have infinite ammo
- Queen Elizabeth have been added as an unlockable crew member

Horus Lupercal

Primarch - Warmaster
Deja Vu
Swingin' on a Star
ET phone home
Horus Lupercal In my personal opinion, the air battle over Britain where the RAF fight the Luftwaffe is too easy.

I have great game change plan.

Battle_Over_Britain V0.1.2 Updates:
- Germans are now invisible
- All airplanes fly at Mach 4.0 minimum
- All airplanes maximum g envelope boundary removed
- All airplanes no longer stall
- All airplanes have no landing gear
- Bailing out of an aircraft will result in permaban
- Switching sides mid battle will automatically label you as Italian, where all your stats will do down the toilet. (Payback >:D)
- German aircraft guns do slightly more damage, they're a lot louder to annoy everyone and their accuracy is 100%
- Nightvision removed. (git gud nub)
- Germans can only be seen on radar
- Geneva convention has been removed
- Tea removed to ruin British morale
- V2 rockets now fly at the speed of light
- V1 flying bomb is now significantly noisier
- Bombers have infinite bombs
- All aircraft have infinite ammo
- Queen Elizabeth have been added as an unlockable crew member
Ha, I wouldn't say the battle of Britain was easy. The Luftwaffe lost the battle, the RAF didn't win it
Horus Lupercal In my personal opinion, the air battle over Britain where the RAF fight the Luftwaffe is too easy.

I have great game change plan.

Battle_Over_Britain V0.1.2 Updates:
- Germans are now invisible
- All airplanes fly at Mach 4.0 minimum
- All airplanes maximum g envelope boundary removed
- All airplanes no longer stall
- All airplanes have no landing gear
- Bailing out of an aircraft will result in permaban
- Switching sides mid battle will automatically label you as Italian, where all your stats will do down the toilet. (Payback >:D)
- German aircraft guns do slightly more damage, they're a lot louder to annoy everyone and their accuracy is 100%
- Nightvision removed. (git gud nub)
- Germans can only be seen on radar
- Geneva convention has been removed
- Tea removed to ruin British morale
- V2 rockets now fly at the speed of light
- V1 flying bomb is now significantly noisier
- Bombers have infinite bombs
- All aircraft have infinite ammo
- Queen Elizabeth have been added as an unlockable crew member
Battle over Britain have been renamed to:

The clusterfuck adventures of Queen Elizabeth and The Menace of the Invisible Germans and the quest for the missing tea.

Blazer Ayanami

Space Shuttle enthusiast // Retired Admin
Forum Legend
- Geneva convention has been removed
- Tea removed to ruin British morale
- V2 rockets now fly at the speed of light
- Queen Elizabeth have been added as an unlockable crew member
I think Danny Batten would love this.
Battle_Over_Britain V0.1.2 Updates:
- Germans are now invisible
- All airplanes fly at Mach 4.0 minimum
- All airplanes maximum g envelope boundary removed
- All airplanes no longer stall
- All airplanes have no landing gear
- Bailing out of an aircraft will result in permaban
- Switching sides mid battle will automatically label you as Italian, where all your stats will do down the toilet. (Payback >:D)
- German aircraft guns do slightly more damage, they're a lot louder to annoy everyone and their accuracy is 100%
For God's sake this is hilarant! It had me on the floor laughing for hours!

Lt. Snakestrike

The Kronian Serpent; Mechanical Engineer.
Under Pressure
Swingin' on a Star
Head Professor
Battle over Britain have been renamed to:

The clusterfuck adventures of Queen Elizabeth and The Menace of the Invisible Germans and the quest for the missing tea.
Cosmo... Elizabeth wasn't even queen until several years after WW2...
She still took part though.
Say, Operation Desert Shield, Desert Storm and the Osama's holiday home siege was way too easy as well.

So I'm gonna add some gameplay updates to make it more challenging.

Desert_WaRZoNe V0.1.2.2 Updates:
- All freedom fighters explode upon death
- All freedom fighters can run faster than a Humvee
- All freedom fighters can climb up walls
- All freedom fighters can fly
- All freedom fighters' Toyota pickup trucks have been replaced by the Toyota Sprinter Trueno AE-86 (NANI? TERROR DRIFTO????)
- Jamsheed removed from the game for being too OP
- Abu Hajaar removed from the game for being too stupid
- All US Marine models changed to Arnold Schwarzenegger
- All British soldier models changed to Medieval Crusaders, DUES VULT!
- US marines and British soldiers can no longer understand each other
- Car bombs now cost a third its original crafting cost
- Time delay for throwing grenades have been removed for freedom fighters
- MREs have been repurposed from "Meal Ready-to-Eat" to "Meal Ready-to-Explode", you figure out the rest
- All Claymores have their internal explosives reversed, DO NOT trust the "THIS SIDE TOWARDS ENEMY" label on the outside
- All fighter planes behave like helicopters
- All helicopters behave like fighter planes
- Aircraft can land nowhere, they'll just sink through the floor and explode
- AK47 shoots exploding bullets (not to be confused with the bolter)
- M4A1 jam chance increased to 50%
- M1 Abrams main gun max fire rate increased to 1000 rpm.
- M1 Abrams top speed is now 420 km/h, faster than an F1 racecar.
- F1 racecar added, for fun
- The barret .50 cal now fires cruise missiles that does no damage, it just looks hilarious
- All Radio chatter is now earrape, try learning hand signs
- Precision bombers are now no longer precise, they could land anywhere, even on your head
- F117 Nighthawk can only drop nukes
- Osama have been upgraded to OsamaTRON 9000, a weapon to surpass Metal Gear, also makes the final boss fight way more exciting.
- All attack aircraft no longer bother confirming their targets before engaging, that means they'll shoot anything that moves on the FLIR.
- Civilians are indestructible
- Due to media backlash for the seemingly "racist" black face paint in the previous installment, the black face paint have now been made even blacker, using advanced blackening technology developed from MIT.
- RPG-7 is now full auto
- M203 underslung g.launcher is now full auto
- Cat girls added to replace medics
- Russians removed from the game for being too noisy