My grandiose mission to study the moons of Uranus


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I decided to send the Uraice Mission to Uranus (this is how I was inspired by the launch of Juice) =)
first i built a 4 stage rocket
the first stage was with two boosters
the second stage was for putting the sun into orbit (but it was enough for several other maneuvers)
the third was a nuclear engine, and
the fourth was the satellite itself,
which will remain in the orbit of Uranus until 2030 to conduct observations of the atmosphere of Uranus
:Flight plan:​
1) Testing of the satellite and its systems
2) Carrying out missile inspection
3) Take-off and alignment and exit to earth orbit measuring 40 to 60 kilometers on earth
4) waiting for the transfer window and a few more equipment checks
5) Maneuver for entering the solar orbit
6) entry into the sphere of influence of Uranus
7) exit to a stable orbit in my case is from 800 to 900 kilometers above the surface
8) Deployment of soil research systems and equipment for surface scanning
9) Entering the sphere of influence of the first three satellites, namely (Miranda, Ariel and Umbriel)
10) then the continuation of the mission according to the plan and the following satellites, namely (Titania and Oberon)
11) Ascent to a high uneven orbit and deployment of equipment to study the atmosphere of Uranus
The photos were taken by the Uraice satellite
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Umbriel (unfortunately, the photo is not available for later reasons)
Titania (unfortunately, the photo is not available for later reasons)

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The reasons for the unavailability of photos of two satellites, namely Umbriel and Titania: On the Uraice device, during the deployment of the supplementary close-range radar, the camera tilted due to poor fixation, so the photo of Ariel turned out to be of poor quality. But thanks to the work of engineers, there was another camera on the device, which after a few weeks was able to be turned on and put into working mode. But even without a photo, we explored part of the surface of these satellites of Uranus.
This ended the main phase of the mission, now the device is sent to sleep mode until 2024, when it will pass at the lowest point of the orbit.​
