[Not a Mod] SFS PC 1.35 BP Editing Tutorial


Project Leader
This tutorial shows how to bp edit with SFS PC 1.35.
1) Windows Computer
2) SFS PC 1.35: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/g4i1zzkahekz904/AACpGewzAgSYzvpfA5g3Scoma?dl=0
3) SFS Mod Loader: https://github.com/JMteam09/SFSModLoader/releases/tag/1.3.5
4) BuildSharer: https://jmnet.one/sfs/forum/index.php?threads/build-sharer-mod.1066/
Say, you want to make this rocket, which is easy to make in 1.4 Android:

1) Make this rocket:
Step 1.PNG

2) Save this rocket and export it.
3) Go to [Your SFS Directory]\SFS1.35_Data\BuildSharer\Exports\[Your Saved Rocket].txt
(Where [Your SFS Directory] is the location where you've downloaded SFS and [Your Saved Rocket] is the name you saved the rocket).
4) Do bp edit as you did in Android (How? Watch:
5) Copy your file to BuildSharer\Imports.
6) Open SFS, import the file and load the file.
7) You can get this result:
Step 2.PNG

8) Add fairings like this:
Step 3.PNG

9) Follow 2), 3), 4), 5) and 6)
10) You can get this result:

It may look similar to this:

I hope you enjoyed the tutorial and if you're still intrigued, let me know in the comments below. Thank you for everyone in advance!


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This is Custom Title
Under Pressure
Fly me to the Moon
i try cliping but it dont work
Ex: I try clip engine but its didnt work because there are fairing or something like that appear when i clipped it


Retired Staff / Scale Inspector
Under Pressure
Fly me to the Moon
MOTY 2022
This thread is almost three years old :rolleyes:
Please don't necro. Also, I don't really understand your question.

Mars Pathfinder

«★★» CMDR «★★» // PT // FartFinder
Deja Vu
Under Pressure
Fly me to the Moon
Swingin' on a Star
Christmas Event Category Winner
i try cliping but it dont work
Ex: I try clip engine but its didnt work because there are fairing or something like that appear when i clipped it
This thread is almost three years old :rolleyes:
Please don't necro. Also, I don't really understand your question.
Means that he tried but failed miserably....

That's why bp editin on 1.35 is limited...


Retired Staff / Scale Inspector
Under Pressure
Fly me to the Moon
MOTY 2022
You’re the one who’s necroposting, Marmilo. That guys’ reply is from several days ago...
Oh my gosh, sorry. :oops: For some reason the date didn't display correctly for me.

Mars Pathfinder

«★★» CMDR «★★» // PT // FartFinder
Deja Vu
Under Pressure
Fly me to the Moon
Swingin' on a Star
Christmas Event Category Winner
Oh my gosh, sorry. :oops: For some reason the date didn't display correctly for me.
Try to find your timezone, so you won't be bothered on your local time.

Did I've said it correctly? :l