Olympus Mons PS.I Station


PicoSpace Industries
Swingin' on a Star
Fly me to the Moon
Another Planetary drop is requested, this time much closer to home but with a twist.

Place a PS.I. Station at the top of Olympus Mons. Mission Settings:

1. Land Station on Olympus Mons on Mars (anywhere where landing gives you the Location alert of "Olympus Mons" but ideally near the top). MAX: 600T launcher INCLUDING Payload (I did it easily with 535T just to make sure its doable... I'm sure people can get well below 500T if they tried)

2. BP File of Payload: https://sharing.spaceflightsimulator.app/rocket/oppsIx5tEe2RWtFKDavcjg

3. non-DLC capable so everyone should be able to do this mission. I did it with just Basic Parts.

4. Clipping & BP-Edit Allowed but no engine stacking (unless you are using a pre-made rocket from before).

5. Regular Solar System or your choice of harder options.

A. Olympus Mons is very high and the atmosphere is very thin, normal decent equipment may not be ideal for this mission.
B. You could land at a lower elevation and try to drive the station to the top… but I’m not sure that’s doable without my upcoming rover pack

