Real Scale Solar System

One time, I looked at the stock SFS system and wanted to add the outer objects. I did all of that fine, until I got to Neptune. I was having trouble marking a realistic orbit for one of the moons, Nereid. I could not find an orbit that looked realistic enough for me to like it. I decided that th best way for me to do this was to simply recreate the entire system from scratch. I started with Mercury. After finishing Mercury, I realzed it's orbit was beyond the orbit of regular Jupiter. After spending 2+ weeks recreating the entire system (including every moon and some asteroids), I present a Real Scale Solar System, where it is almost impossible to get to Venus. I might add realistic engines, but I don't want to. Here it is!

Google Drive: Sign-in (individual zip is too large)


Мод отличный! А вот объектов главного пояса астероидов и пояса Койпера всего несколько. Не могли бы вы добавить больше объектов?

The mod is great! But there are only a few objects of the main asteroid belt and the Kuiper belt. Could you add more objects?
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