sfsml for sfs 1.4.06 discussion

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the biggest planet in the solar system.
as you know, the sfsml is not available for the current version, the 1.4.06, so i wanted to open this discussion to see if some modder can make it, i know that the .apk file is actually a compressed folder, so i decided to unzip it and see what is inside, and i saw that there is a Assembly-CSharp.dll file, so i said, what if it is the same file that comes in the pc game? so in fact, it should be, so i want to some modder to see what is inside that .dll file and copy the files that comes in the Assembly-CSharp file of the sfsml, and have the mod loader in the 1.4, i really want and need it because all my spaceships and space stations are made with mods, such as the ezy orbit mod and the most important is the bigger grid mod, i know how to make textures for sfs and i saw that they are also shared assets files inside the .apk, so in fact, if we install the mod where you can change your textures, we have a fully customizable sfs 1.4!!! so i really want it and need it, if someone know how to edit .dll files, please post everything what you need and all your process here
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