Simplerockets 2 Planet Pack + Expansion DLC

Hello. Have you been waiting my activity for a long time? So, George Scraper is back to Planet Downloads. I won't write too much because I still have a bunch of unfinished (and future) mods, so let's just started.

This mod adds 5 planets, and with the addition of their number will increase to 10 (system replces the stock, do not forget to create backup before installing)



Embodiment of Made In Abyss spoilers
Swingin' on a Star
Man on the Moon
Hello. Have you been waiting my activity for a long time? So, George Scraper is back to Planet Downloads. I won't write too much because I still have a bunch of unfinished (and future) mods, so let's just started.

This mod adds 5 planets, and with the addition of their number will increase to 10 (system replces the stock, do not forget to create backup before installing)
Could we get some screenshots?