Speech for World War 3


Achassion-Land Combat Specialist- Solar Empire
I have been questioning the decision of leaving the war And having peace, and well, Peace is the one thing that we should value the most. Both sides have absolutely no differences whatsoever but are still locked in this big conflict over nothing. We could be prosperous instead of destroyed in conflict, We could be peaceful instead of war torn, This Tension can be history instead of the human race being history over war. Peace is the best decision for this tension. But if both sides wish to declare war and see who is strongest let it be. I will go wherever my friends go. (this took me a long time to think of so just think about peace)


Achassion-Land Combat Specialist- Solar Empire
You may say that now but the allies might is like an iceberg, you may see a bit of it...but in reality there is more than enough to crush the axis like a bug getting stepped on!
You got it mixed up! Were the iceberg and you guys are the Titanic, it will only take a little scratch to bring you down

Danny Batten

Sanctor **《T》** MT/SP/TE/ Governor of Terra SOI
Ok..you may of won this battle but the war will cary on.....( I had to end it or I would do this all night lol)