Starship is pretty much complete!


/<***@Intricate Crafts are Mine✓***>\
Star Forger
Swingin' on a Star
Deja Vu
Fly me to the Moon
Under Pressure
I’ve been working out the kinks with this one for a little of a week. Any tips, let me know. View attachment 35225 View attachment 35226
You should add landing gear to the first stage also.
I guess that there are solar panels on the second one.
Those top side cones are a little odd why don't you try a little simpler

This was made by, Calin Avram
You should add landing gear to the first stage also.
I guess that there are solar panels on the second one.
Those top side cones are a little odd why don't you try a little simpler View attachment 35232
This was made by, Calin Avram
I’ve been trying to find a new layout for the top side fins, but I’m struggling. The 2019 model has the side fins and I really want to capture that feature. Let me know if you have any different fins. I do believe that the landing gear on the first stage is actually just the fins. But I’ll try and make some landing gear.


Builder of Stupid Rockets // Pres Ben //|**|\\
Swingin' on a Star
Fly me to the Moon
I’ve been trying to find a new layout for the top side fins, but I’m struggling. The 2019 model has the side fins and I really want to capture that feature. Let me know if you have any different fins. I do believe that the landing gear on the first stage is actually just the fins. But I’ll try and make some landing gear.
At this stage it has 6 legs on superheavy I think.


/<***@Intricate Crafts are Mine✓***>\
Star Forger
Swingin' on a Star
Deja Vu
Fly me to the Moon
Under Pressure
I’ve been trying to find a new layout for the top side fins, but I’m struggling. The 2019 model has the side fins and I really want to capture that feature. Let me know if you have any different fins. I do believe that the landing gear on the first stage is actually just the fins. But I’ll try and make some landing gear.
Just use fuselage , the one that is on your profile pic
There’s some updates, Re-did basically all of the fins of the Super Heavy and Starship. Thanks to all of those who are helping me with this build!
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/<***@Intricate Crafts are Mine✓***>\
Star Forger
Swingin' on a Star
Deja Vu
Fly me to the Moon
Under Pressure
I’m trying to make more fuel efficient rockets, but when I use smaller engines, it doesn’t have as much power and can’t get into orbit. Any tips?


Smaller, lighter, narrower rockets are more fuel efficient. But, let's talk about aerodynamics first...

Blazer Ayanami

Space Shuttle enthusiast // Retired Admin
Forum Legend
I know the no drag cheat option, but not bug...
There's a bug with the drag. Even If the cheat "no drag" is off, when you launch a rocket and it spawns on the launchpad, drag will be originally disabled. To activate it, you need to open the menu, hit Exit, and then from the main menu (the one with the "Spaceflight Simulator" logo) hit Resume Game.

That will enable the real drag. Otherwise you'll launch without drag, which is kinda cheaty.
There's a bug with the drag. Even If the cheat "no drag" is off, when you launch a rocket and it spawns on the launchpad, drag will be originally disabled. To activate it, you need to open the menu, hit Exit, and then from the main menu (the one with the "Spaceflight Simulator" logo) hit Resume Game.

That will enable the real drag. Otherwise you'll launch without drag, which is kinda cheaty.
I never even knew that happened. Does that glitch affect the efficiency of a rocket? (Other than being aerodynamic)
Enormously, depending on the build. It can nearly double the amount of Dv required to make LEO
It really stinks that Stef didn’t feature official DeltaV stats. But anyways. I’m trying to build my Falcon 9 so it can actually carry my payload (with about a 35,000km ap) but I just can’t seem to get the correct engines that can actually lift, and still have some fuel left. If you need, I’ll post the F9 blue prints, thank you for your help tho!

Horus Lupercal

Primarch - Warmaster
Swingin' on a Star
Deja Vu
Biker Mice from Mars
ET phone home
It really stinks that Stef didn’t feature official DeltaV stats.
That's because there is no set Dv budget to LEO. The amount of variables that affect how much fuel it takes to attain orbit means there is no exact figure. We work on a ball park of about 2600m/s if you have drag off and about 3200-4200m/s for drag on

but I just can’t seem to get the correct engines that can actually lift, and still have some fuel left. If you need, I’ll post the F9 blue prints, thank you for your help tho!
Yeah, throw a screenshot up or pm me it if you wanna keep it secret and I'll have a look. There'll be a solution and I'll explain how and why as well