The ARCAD need your ideas!

Jez 10

Local Expert Pinoy
ET phone home
Man on the Moon
ARCAD is a top secret department in RoA. So I want to see your ideas.
Just give me a concept, I won't reveal though the whole stuff.
Make sure its:
1. Anomalous
2. Makes sense
3. No such thing as "it caused the [insert real-life event]
4. No 173, 096, 682 reference.
5. No new species
That's all

Horus Lupercal

Primarch - Warmaster
Swingin' on a Star
Deja Vu
Biker Mice from Mars
ET phone home
I've no idea what you're asking for dude...


37°14′0″N 115°48′30″W
Man on the Moon
Found a new planet -> Launch a rocket to zë planet -> Bring a weird rock back -> Some thing sleep inside the rock, it wake up during flight -> It break the rock but still inside the container when the spacecraft in LEO -> ARCAD launch another expensive and unnecessary spacecraft to get it for studying


37°14′0″N 115°48′30″W
Man on the Moon
Found a new planet -> Launch a rocket to zë planet -> Bring a weird rock back -> Some thing sleep inside the rock, it wake up during flight -> It break the rock but still inside the container when the spacecraft in LEO -> ARCAD launch another expensive and unnecessary spacecraft to get it for studying
I'm too lazy to typing but u get the idea, things may change later