The new Rule 11!

Blazer Ayanami

Space Shuttle enthusiast // Retired Admin
Forum Legend
Greetings, my fellow forumers!

As you know the forum has been through some dark times recently, and obviously, dark times require important decisions.

Many of you are probably already aware that this was going to happen, since we did announced it on the Discord server and many people approved it and commented on it.

For the people who weren't aware, starting from TODAY we will have a new rule, a new complement, that hopefully will help the forum become a better place from now on. We've had to make this decision in response to several users' extremely questionable behaviour. Behaviour, that pissed everyone off and contaminated this place but that we couldn't really punish because there was no rule against it.

Without any further to add (because you can ask your questions in the thread below), allow me to introduce you guys to the new Rule 11, the Anti-asshole rule!

Rule 11:

Don't be an Asshole. We just don't like low effort, so excessive low effort posts and behaviour may lead to sanction. The forum is a small community, we kindly encourage you to keep it clean and contribute to it. Thank you. :)

What we understand by "Low Effort":
Low effort content is content that is typically created quickly and does not contribute to a discussion. This content oftenly restates information rather than adding to the discussion.

What we understand as "Behaviour":
Behaviour (or behavior) is what a person does or how it acts.
We hope that this new law will allow us to clean the forum, of certain questionable behaviours to make it a better place for everyone.

The "Condense your fucking posts" and the "No Necroposting" thing will also be added to our current existing antispam rule, as you guys have suggested many times. :)

That is all. Enjoy the rest of your day. Any questions ask them in the thread below.
That is all


Spiller of the Milky Way • Rocket Gluer
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Mars Pathfinder

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Fly me to the Moon
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I can see the light at the end of a long dark tunnel.


The Lord President of Gallifrey.
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Fly me to the Moon
Swingin' on a Star
Ew what is necroposting?
What is condense post. I know condensation in science :) but idk how to freeze my texts
Condense your posts mean

Put all your posts into one message

Basicly dont double post


The Lord President of Gallifrey.
Staff member
Trial Moderator
Fly me to the Moon
Swingin' on a Star
Like this

Try and keep all your posts into one message

(This double post was for a example)


The Lord President of Gallifrey.
Staff member
Trial Moderator
Fly me to the Moon
Swingin' on a Star
A necropost is a post on an old, abandoned thread in the Discussion Forums that has been considered 'dead' for a while, for the sole purpose of making it appear at the top of the forums. Necroposting is seen as a form of spam and clogs up the forums with old and unneeded topics.

A necropost is a post on an old, abandoned thread in the Discussion Forums that has been considered 'dead' for a while, for the sole purpose of making it appear at the top of the forums. Necroposting is seen as a form of spam and clogs up the forums with old and unneeded topics.
How can I edit ot delete my msgs