Important The Registry


Merlin Master
This is Legacy Division, this is our history. No need to delete history.

We will make a new Registry once the new factions are ready.
When is that it's been a few months hasn't it? I still haven't seen anything about it. Too me I would have gotten the basics down in a week or two and have it ready and let everyone create the universe they inhabit. Make the date 0 from when everyone launched off of whatever your starting planet is. It just seemed like you guys were making more of a table top where your following a story that has choices where as creating your own world yourself. I still hold the belief we left something before it was finished or ever needed to be finished. It would of been way easier to just reorganize a bit.

Horus Lupercal

Primarch - Warmaster
Swingin' on a Star
Deja Vu
Biker Mice from Mars
ET phone home
I still haven't seen anything about it
Take it you missed the new faction badges, the Minervan alliance faction announcements?

Dude, I get what you're saying and it's not been particularly well handled or thought out, especially with how exclusive the new RP is. However, it's not like the old RP was up to much either beyond some petty squabbles and pretending to be the Freemasons in an offline, free to play mobile space flight sandbox game.
If you look at it objectively, the RP is and was moving slowly because no one is really interested in it in large enough numbers, compounded by the fact the game is just not designed to PvP and will likely never include it.

And before every is like @ me 'I'm interested, what are you talking about Horus', no, you think you're interested. But like the USSO and UFP, which talked a great game, but did the best part of fuck all and out of about 1,500 people here and an total gamer base of about a million, roughly a dozen people actually have the time, inclination and ability to start and run a faction and maintain a member base for longer than a few months.

So yeah, whilst I disagree with how things are, don't sit there and think that how it was was any better.


Merlin Master
Take it you missed the new faction badges, the Minervan alliance faction announcements?

Dude, I get what you're saying and it's not been particularly well handled or thought out, especially with how exclusive the new RP is. However, it's not like the old RP was up to much either beyond some petty squabbles and pretending to be the Freemasons in an offline, free to play mobile space flight sandbox game.
If you look at it objectively, the RP is and was moving slowly because no one is really interested in it in large enough numbers, compounded by the fact the game is just not designed to PvP and will likely never include it.

And before every is like @ me 'I'm interested, what are you talking about Horus', no, you think you're interested. But like the USSO and UFP, which talked a great game, but did the best part of fuck all and out of about 1,500 people here and an total gamer base of about a million, roughly a dozen people actually have the time, inclination and ability to start and run a faction and maintain a member base for longer than a few months.

So yeah, whilst I disagree with how things are, don't sit there and think that how it was was any better.
Well what did it take half of the year to do So? I don't I guess when I genuinely care about something I try to work on it alot and get it done in a timely manner.


Merlin Master
Also whatever happened to adapting USFS into video format or bringing it into 1.5. What happened to that sfs tribute. Well half a year later we got one thing figured out and that was factions the least important thing on that list in my opinion. As well as badges rework.

Horus Lupercal

Primarch - Warmaster
Swingin' on a Star
Deja Vu
Biker Mice from Mars
ET phone home
Well what did it take half of the year to do So? I don't I guess when I genuinely care about something I try to work on it alot and get it done in a timely manner.
Yeah, YOU can care all you like. But YOU aren't the entire community. YOU can say 'right, you've got a week everyone, so get your faction bases sorted, I want this squared and that in place in 7 days'.
But that doesn't mean anyone else is going to listen to you. Or even be able to be ready in that time frame you've specified. People have work, school, college, lives and wives. Trust me on this, I've been part of several community wide initiatives and competitions and they at best run over time by a huge margin, or more likely just don't go anywhere.

The old RP wasn't going anywhere. The SE owned the board (for some reason) and everyone else just hung onto the table edges looking for moons or asteroids to call home. For all its flaws, at least the new RP is an opportunity for potentially unlimited options for expansion and counters that ability for one faction to own everything.

How / when would you have ended the old RP? What would your plan have been to progress the story? Because from my perspective, the old RP was stale as fuck. No one was doing anything.

And even with the dissolution of the SE, there's still only a few planets and a few moons up for grabs. All that would have happened is another organisation would put itself into the SEs position and we'd be back to the same place as we were this time last year.

Also whatever happened to adapting USFS into video format or bringing it into 1.5. What happened to that sfs tribute. Well half a year later we got one thing figured out and that was factions the least important thing on that list in my opinion. As well as badges rework.
Same things as I've been trying to tell you in previous messages. A severe lack of interest from most parties. Same happened with the SFS Youtube channel, the international mission (both of them) and several other back door projects. You can't force people to participate. So you either have to do all the work yourself (as much as I tried dragging it kicking and screaming along, it doesn't work), or accept that it is just a free to play mobile space flight sandbox game and it has a lower priority to the vast majority of players than real life things like exam grades and paid work.

And bear in mind this Zeeray. Quite a few of the 'older' members either don't come here anymore, or are rarely online anymore and are stepping back massively from old roles. You come on every what...? Few weeks or so? You can't complain nothing happens when you aren't here to make things happen yourself. That's their (and your choice) and no one can force anyone to do anything, but they aren't complaining about lack of progress either.

Again, I personally don't agree with the finer and less inclusive rules of the new RP structure, and I've made my thoughts and ideas known on here and other platforms to that effect. But there is absolutely nothing stopping you (or others) downloading Eternia, picking a planet, making a base there, creating an identity, symbols, history and infrastructure and saying 'we are the [insert name here]. We are in the [insert place name here] and we do [insert thing here] and have done for [insert back story here]' and just getting fucking involved in things rather than complaining from the sidelines.
What are they going to do? Ban you from the RP? Force you to delete your planet? Declare war on you?
Eventually one of 2 things will happen.
1) you will eventually be accepted in to main RP, as people see you are keen and reliable for the long run and after all, all everyone wants to do is play together in this big sandbox spaceflight free to play mobile game. Cos whilst no one is interested in interacting with those flash in the pan factions that pop up based upon popular tv shows (you know who you are) or the ones that delete themselves because real covid killed fake rocket programmes, they will be interested in someone that is taking things seriously.
2) the main RP rejects you, but other factions also excluded from the main RP join in on your timeline and you interact together.

But then, I'm an outside the box thinker with workplace induced hearing issues. What do I know?


Merlin Master
Same things as I've been trying to tell you in previous messages. A severe lack of interest from most parties. Same happened with the SFS Youtube channel, the international mission (both of them) and several other back door projects. You can't force people to participate. So you either have to do all the work yourself (as much as I tried dragging it kicking and screaming along, it doesn't work), or accept that it is just a free to play mobile space flight sandbox game and it has a lower priority to the vast majority of players than real life things like exam grades and paid work.
Well I did I took the sfs tribute and did it all myself. Guess what it's not even my top video it's behind a video of me dicking around and joking. Im not as active any more because of that lack of care im willing to put in the effort. The rocket planner series of spreadsheets I had I learned all of that from no where and asked around to you and Altair for advice and help. I'm more then willing to go out of my way to learn and work hard to make something that helps people. Then I do that and no one cares which is understandable I can't go in expecting crap tons of praise but for what I put in and the time I spent I didn't get much out of it. That's why I stopped being super active and lost interest I have a few times tried to bring myself to do the badge challenges so then I can at least of something to show for my experience. I'm just tired and I have other projects in other places that are more rewarding then here.

I really haven't had any issue with any progress other then RP as it was the one thing that kept me coming back for awhile. The rest of the stuff I bring up because im curious to what happened to them. I think I had high hopes for a long time and I think it took me a long time to learn that no one cares so your right about that very much so.

Horus Lupercal

Primarch - Warmaster
Swingin' on a Star
Deja Vu
Biker Mice from Mars
ET phone home
People aren't going to praise you and give you laurels. You shouldn't be doing things for that reason.
You should do things because you want to do them, and if others like it then great. That's have a true passion for a project, rather than just a passion for recognition.

Guess what it's not even my top video it's behind a video of me dicking around and joking
That's how it goes. Want to know what my most watched video is? Is it the only single stage to orbit aircraft carrier in SFS? Nope. Is it my completely re-useable drop pod and rover missions? Nope. Could it be the well edited trailer for the komodo launch vehicle? Not even close. It's a panning shot in the SPH around the Cheyenne dropship i made in KSP. Don't know why, it's just the way it is.
But then I don't build things for my channel. I'm not Anton or SFS Gamer where it's all about the 'like, share and subscribe, even though I'm actually not that good at the game and I've "borrowed" this blueprint/edited out the oarts where I'mnusing sandbox to complete it'.
I make stuff, and it goes on my channel. I make the things cos I'm passionate about that project, not because it'll get me likes and views. I've created things that'd obliterate anything they've even copied and claimed as their own, and get only a thousandth of the exposure they do.
I own the single largest launch system of any rocket game, anywhere.
I spent 2 years gaining the knowledge, and the best part of a fortnight designing, assembling and flying the rocket, recording the video, editing through several hours of half frame per second footage to get that thing together.

It's got about 20 views on youtube.

I could alter the title and thumbnail so it's got that twat font and CAPS LOCK that SFS Youtubers use, display it on discord and reddit and reel in a thousand views just like people do for their soulless Starship clones.

But I won't. I've not even advertised the 3rd video in the series, even though it's been online for about a month now.
Cos I made that for me. Almost every single view it has is me, i made it for my enjoyment, because I was passionate about re-creating the largest payload carrying rocket in Kerbal Space Program.

I got no accolades or standing parades for The Basics. The second thing I ever posted on this forum was one of the first and is still one of the most comprehensive rocket design and orbital mechanics spreadsheets available anywhere. About 5 people used it.
The basics thread is buried under about 7 pages of Falcon 9 clones, when update requests and 'what should I make next' requests. As for the spreadsheet? Only reason I can find it is because I can search for my own threads. But I don't care. People look at them and use them if they want to, or they don't. I made both because I wanted to create a one stop shop for people (and myself) to help them progress beyond the performance plateau that we all hit until we get deep into the game physics. The spreadsheet especially. I created that first and foremost for me to use.

Conversely, it's why I've sorta stopped updating the USFS. 1.4.06 is obsolete. But I don't use 1.5 and I'm not passionate about it enough to sink the roughly 100 hours or so I'd need to re-write what I've done previously and finish off the series. I haven't stopped cos everyone else stopped. I stopped because the update happened and I don't care enough about it, even though it's easily the most outwardly popular thing I've ever written.

I'm doing the badge challenges for several reasons. Partially because without them, it severely hinders the amount of waffle I can do. Mostly though, it's because I have some really cool ideas on how to complete the tasks and they're an opportunity for us (meaning those of us that have been here for ages, talk a big game about how expert we are) to show that we aren't just big talkers. There are other reasons why I'm doing them, but that's not important.
It's an opportunity to show that we can actually walk the walk as well and thus should doing it in such a way that justifies when we say 'we are the experts, you should do things properly so you can be like us', the newer members look at our entries and go 'yeah, you are a respected voice here for a reason'.
Hence why my moon mission was waay over top and much more complex that it needed to be. Same with the Mars mission I've completed but not finished recording. And the plans for launching 4 space stations the 4 launch space station. And the Jove mission I did last night.
I think you should do the badge challenges. Do them your way. Get Merlin out and do each and every single mission using the same rocket, no re-spawns, completely re-useable. And not cos it'll get you likes and comments, but because you fucking can and you can make it look cool doing so.
And if you haven't got time for that, how will you have time for RP?


Merlin Master
People aren't going to praise you and give you laurels. You shouldn't be doing things for that reason.
You should do things because you want to do them, and if others like it then great. That's have a true passion for a project, rather than just a passion for recognition.

That's how it goes. Want to know what my most watched video is? Is it the only single stage to orbit aircraft carrier in SFS? Nope. Is it my completely re-useable drop pod and rover missions? Nope. Could it be the well edited trailer for the komodo launch vehicle? Not even close. It's a panning shot in the SPH around the Cheyenne dropship i made in KSP. Don't know why, it's just the way it is.
But then I don't build things for my channel. I'm not Anton or SFS Gamer where it's all about the 'like, share and subscribe, even though I'm actually not that good at the game and I've "borrowed" this blueprint/edited out the oarts where I'mnusing sandbox to complete it'.
I make stuff, and it goes on my channel. I make the things cos I'm passionate about that project, not because it'll get me likes and views. I've created things that'd obliterate anything they've even copied and claimed as their own, and get only a thousandth of the exposure they do.
I own the single largest launch system of any rocket game, anywhere.
I spent 2 years gaining the knowledge, and the best part of a fortnight designing, assembling and flying the rocket, recording the video, editing through several hours of half frame per second footage to get that thing together.

It's got about 20 views on youtube.

I could alter the title and thumbnail so it's got that twat font and CAPS LOCK that SFS Youtubers use, display it on discord and reddit and reel in a thousand views just like people do for their soulless Starship clones.

But I won't. I've not even advertised the 3rd video in the series, even though it's been online for about a month now.
Cos I made that for me. Almost every single view it has is me, i made it for my enjoyment, because I was passionate about re-creating the largest payload carrying rocket in Kerbal Space Program.

I got no accolades or standing parades for The Basics. The second thing I ever posted on this forum was one of the first and is still one of the most comprehensive rocket design and orbital mechanics spreadsheets available anywhere. About 5 people used it.
The basics thread is buried under about 7 pages of Falcon 9 clones, when update requests and 'what should I make next' requests. As for the spreadsheet? Only reason I can find it is because I can search for my own threads. But I don't care. People look at them and use them if they want to, or they don't. I made both because I wanted to create a one stop shop for people (and myself) to help them progress beyond the performance plateau that we all hit until we get deep into the game physics. The spreadsheet especially. I created that first and foremost for me to use.

Conversely, it's why I've sorta stopped updating the USFS. 1.4.06 is obsolete. But I don't use 1.5 and I'm not passionate about it enough to sink the roughly 100 hours or so I'd need to re-write what I've done previously and finish off the series. I haven't stopped cos everyone else stopped. I stopped because the update happened and I don't care enough about it, even though it's easily the most outwardly popular thing I've ever written.

I'm doing the badge challenges for several reasons. Partially because without them, it severely hinders the amount of waffle I can do. Mostly though, it's because I have some really cool ideas on how to complete the tasks and they're an opportunity for us (meaning those of us that have been here for ages, talk a big game about how expert we are) to show that we aren't just big talkers. There are other reasons why I'm doing them, but that's not important.
It's an opportunity to show that we can actually walk the walk as well and thus should doing it in such a way that justifies when we say 'we are the experts, you should do things properly so you can be like us', the newer members look at our entries and go 'yeah, you are a respected voice here for a reason'.
Hence why my moon mission was waay over top and much more complex that it needed to be. Same with the Mars mission I've completed but not finished recording. And the plans for launching 4 space stations the 4 launch space station. And the Jove mission I did last night.
I think you should do the badge challenges. Do them your way. Get Merlin out and do each and every single mission using the same rocket, no re-spawns, completely re-useable. And not cos it'll get you likes and comments, but because you fucking can and you can make it look cool doing so.
And if you haven't got time for that, how will you have time for RP?
I already said I lost interest in the RP. I do things cause I enjoy then would I have really made 13 variations of that spreadsheet constantly improving on if I didn't. Would I make a family of rockets with their own history spanning 2 years if I didn't enjoy it? But I'm tired and the projects I wanted to do I.E. making the USFS into a video format and building up that Forum YT channel cause those are things I would enjoy. Though one person can't do those by themselves and I tried to do what I could. The perfect example is that SFS Tribute I did what I could and I asked for some help not because I couldn't do it myself but because i wanted it to be a community project not a Zeeray project. Though ig no one cared cause a month later I left and I was told by the man himself stop being butthurt about the RP which by that point till now ya I miss it but wasn't keeping me here. The two things that were one was talked about and never executed and the other was turning into something that was gonna take forever so I took it upon myself to finish it on my own.

Horus Lupercal

Primarch - Warmaster
Swingin' on a Star
Deja Vu
Biker Mice from Mars
ET phone home
I already said I lost interest in the RP
Really? This

When is that it's been a few months hasn't it?
says otherwise.

I do things cause I enjoy then would I have really made 13 variations of that spreadsheet constantly improving on if I didn't. Would I make a family of rockets with their own history spanning 2 years if I didn't enjoy it?
They why aren't you still doing them? RP or not, Tribute/trailer video or not, Video USFS or not, if you enjoyed doing these things, why aren't you still doing them? Again, there was nothing stopping you from going ahead with whatever it is you wanted to do.

The perfect example is that SFS Tribute
Yeah. Which was supposed to be the channel trailer but with different music because it was pretty much the KSP2 trailer in 2 dimensions. Again, it wasn't just you that submitted stuff (if memory serves, 4kids also made one). But like everything else in that project, almost nothing got off the ground.

I was told by the man himself stop being butthurt about the RP
Whilst I wasn't privvy to the conversation, I imagine the conversation going in roughly the same way as I warned it would do. And what was stopping you just getting on board with the new RP? If it wasn't because you were butthurt about either the old one being stopped or having to join someone elses faction, why didn't you just play along to get along?

The two things that were one was talked about and never executed and the other was turning into something that was gonna take forever so I took it upon myself to finish it on my own.
Well, I wouldn't say never executed. I actually made several attempts at it, but for some reason my laptop refuses to record voice from the in-built microphone so I could over-lay it onto a recording of whatever subject I'm talking about. That is the biggest hold-back, beyond the reasons stated earlier.


Merlin Master
Yeah. Which was supposed to be the channel trailer but with different music because it was pretty much the KSP2 trailer in 2 dimensions. Again, it wasn't just you that submitted stuff (if memory serves, 4kids also made one). But like everything else in that project, almost nothing got off the ground.
Ya ok even then it didn't go anywhere and the issue was he was using 1.4 not 1.5 which was the goal to use 1.5.
Whilst I wasn't privvy to the conversation, I imagine the conversation going in roughly the same way as I warned it would do. And what was stopping you just getting on board with the new RP? If it wasn't because you were butthurt about either the old one being stopped or having to join someone elses faction, why didn't you just play along to get along?
1. Mostly the other projects not getting anything done which those two things were what were keeping me there
2. Because that's not what was keeping me there.

Like I said the things I stayed for never came into happening and it wasn't a lack of interest. I just didn't think it was right if they were community projects the YT channel and the USFS videos then why would I do it all? I'm not representative of the community by any means. That's why I stopped. I did go on to create my own channel and create my own unique sfs content that's done surprisingly well. Though I hate that I'm doing it all alone I rather have had been working as a team.

Blazer Ayanami

Space Shuttle enthusiast // Retired Admin
Forum Legend
Zeeray13 I understand that you are upset with the new RP because is not as active as the old one on its final days, but let me tell you a couple of things.

1. One of the reasons because the new RP is taking so long is because it has a lot of new stuff, like a complex and dynamic economy system where parts are no longer free and you have to mine the planets to extract resources and sell them to other factions to have profit, or a new taxation system that allows us to know the population of a planet... OR simply because on the new RP, every faction needs to build a complex interplanetary base to count as valid... there are many things to discuss and to implement and that takes time.

2. The other reason is what Horus stated: RL is always first than SFS, AND even on SFS people has better things to do with their time and you cannot force them to do what you want, or to force them to speed things up.

3. This might not be the RP you want, but allow me to remember you that you walked away from the RP discussion board. Which means you lost the opportunity to shape a new RP that is closer to the RP you want... If I were you I would have stayed there and keep fighting with my voice and vote for the RP I want... but no, you simply walked away... okay...

4. If you want to return to the RP, you are welcome to do it anytime. I’m sure any faction would love to have a player like you.

Including the Minervan Alliance...

Horus Lupercal

Primarch - Warmaster
Swingin' on a Star
Deja Vu
Biker Mice from Mars
ET phone home
This might not be the RP you want, but allow me to remember you that you walked away from the RP discussion board. Which means you lost the opportunity to shape a new RP that is closer to the RP you want... If I were you I would have stayed there and keep fighting with my voice and vote for the RP I want... but no, you simply walked away... okay...

You weren't the only one that disliked the changes, but you were the only one that walked away. You can't steer the ship unless you're onboard.

Including the Minervan Alliance...
Diplomacy 100
You sneaky dog haha


Merlin Master
Zeeray13 I understand that you are upset with the new RP because is not as active as the old one on its final days, but let me tell you a couple of things.

1. One of the reasons because the new RP is taking so long is because it has a lot of new stuff, like a complex and dynamic economy system where parts are no longer free and you have to mine the planets to extract resources and sell them to other factions to have profit, or a new taxation system that allows us to know the population of a planet... OR simply because on the new RP, every faction needs to build a complex interplanetary base to count as valid... there are many things to discuss and to implement and that takes time.

2. The other reason is what Horus stated: RL is always first than SFS, AND even on SFS people has better things to do with their time and you cannot force them to do what you want, or to force them to speed things up.

3. This might not be the RP you want, but allow me to remember you that you walked away from the RP discussion board. Which means you lost the opportunity to shape a new RP that is closer to the RP you want... If I were you I would have stayed there and keep fighting with my voice and vote for the RP I want... but no, you simply walked away... okay...

4. If you want to return to the RP, you are welcome to do it anytime. I’m sure any faction would love to have a player like you.

Including the Minervan Alliance...
Thanks for the offer but like I've said before my final days before I left that discussion and all discussions was the other two projects I was really into. They are dead now and like I've said before in my opinion it's not right for me to do it alone and not represent the community. Especially if they are community related projects. I understand not everyone has the time hell I don't. I don't expect people go prioritize over RL. It's just there things could have been done awhile ago (not necessarily RP, but a SFS forums channel and a video adaptation of USFS).


Merlin Master

You weren't the only one that disliked the changes, but you were the only one that walked away. You can't steer the ship unless you're onboard.

Diplomacy 100
You sneaky dog haha
I don't wanna change it I've never given any changes and I don't think I've said I've disliked it? It's different from what I thought I would do but that doesn't mean I don't like it. I'm not on board because I wouldn't be active and I knew that and I'm not gonna have someone thinking they have a team mate and then rely on me when I'm not gonna be there.

Blazer Ayanami

Space Shuttle enthusiast // Retired Admin
Forum Legend
Diplomacy 100
You sneaky dog haha
Thanks, negotiation is an art too :p
Thanks for the offer but like I've said before my final days before I left that discussion and all discussions was the other two projects I was really into. They are dead now and like I've said before in my opinion it's not right for me to do it alone and not represent the community. Especially if they are community related projects. I understand not everyone has the time hell I don't. I don't expect people go prioritize over RL. It's just there things could have been done awhile ago (not necessarily RP, but a SFS forums channel and a video adaptation of USFS).
I am also sad that these projects were never finished... that’s just how life is. If you did your part, feel proud of it.


Zeeray13. You, BANDWITH and Altaïr left begore the board came to its conclusion and the RP saw the light of day. All great players. Some people just aren't followers, some others just aren't leaders. A special few can do both. Altaïr left fue to RL pressures. BANDWITH left because he disliked not being a leader right off the bat. You know why you left, so you know better than me. the RP is moving along very strongly and consistently behind the scenes. Blazer earned publication rights first. Very well done Blazer. We are about a week or two away. Gecko Gekkota, very mysterious on that front, and Jez 10, we are expecting some good news soon. But this:

and this:

and this:

is hard, honest work that nobody can take away from the six of us. And we are almost ready to move the launchpad to Kyjoo, a hard earned reward and it will in itself accelerate progress exponentially, and better yet, in the public eye for everyone's enjoyment. You could have had one, Zeeray13. You can still have it. But now you'll have to first be part of another team and be approved by your leader, rather than when you rejected the opportunity to lead. It's sad, dude. We'd love to have you in. Do join a faction and get your stamp, then you're good to go. I guarantee you none of us desire to hold you back.


Merlin Master
Zeeray13. You, BANDWITH and Altaïr left begore the board came to its conclusion and the RP saw the light of day. All great players. Some people just aren't followers, some others just aren't leaders. A special few can do both. Altaïr left fue to RL pressures. BANDWITH left because he disliked not being a leader right off the bat. You know why you left, so you know better than me. the RP is moving along very strongly and consistently behind the scenes. Blazer earned publication rights first. Very well done Blazer. We are about a week or two away. Gecko Gekkota, very mysterious on that front, and Jez 10, we are expecting some good news soon. But this:
View attachment 51532
and this:
View attachment 51533
and this:
View attachment 51534
is hard, honest work that nobody can take away from the six of us. And we are almost ready to move the launchpad to Kyjoo, a hard earned reward and it will in itself accelerate progress exponentially, and better yet, in the public eye for everyone's enjoyment. You could have had one, Zeeray13. You can still have it. But now you'll have to first be part of another team and be approved by your leader, rather than when you rejected the opportunity to lead. It's sad, dude. We'd love to have you in. Do join a faction and get your stamp, then you're good to go. I guarantee you none of us desire to hold you back.
Nope other project more important. I don't care to lead I never lead in the first place? I worked by myself for myself. Anyways like I first said nah. I get your trying to be nice and all saying people would be glad to have me but honestly no one cares. They do their thing and that's their focus they don't care who joins or leaves as long as it doesn't affect their projects. So I'm not worried about it if they aren't .


Actually this is where actual teamwork shows actual results. The RP in Eternia. Just had to clarify that.


Merlin Master
On another note, I probably won't post anything on here anymore. As I don't need to or want to. Because my projects don't fit this format and so most of my posts are in legacy division or at the begging of the new section, hopefully I'll just fade away.