The sequel to the other drone rocket

Horus Lupercal

Primarch - Warmaster
Swingin' on a Star
Deja Vu
Biker Mice from Mars
ET phone home
Ha, I mean the rocket, not the payload. Does it take the drones into low earth orbit or further on towards the moon?


The two drones on the side is guaranteed to crash and burn. You can't put your payload on top of the first stage...


At the first one i thought it was a local problem ,as the second i tested it but i couldnt get the side drones down as You said, i thought it is my stupidity to get it off,sry
You could lock one of the fairings from separating, and only separate the fairing on the outside. That would let you remove the 2 drones on the side without smashing up your core in the process.
Maybe add a pair of boosters to the sides of the 2nd stage for which to perch the drones and maybe change those sides on the 1st stage into trimmer boosters so it’s not over powered, probably drop 2 engines depending on how you settle the 2nd