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  1. F

    Starship attempt

    I tried doing a starship. What do you think about it?
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    BP edit problems

    Last days when i want to do bp editing, i can't get to the "stef" files from any file manager. Is it no more possible to bp edit?
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    Valiant Rocket

    Rocket Made by "Engine Valiant" that is pretty fast and Has no problems (like rotating) Rocket needs to separate from main booster to completly reach earth's Orbit. Anywayz the Orbit Can be Higher. Here are photos&blueprint (Note: its just first version of it)
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    Everything dissapeared

    So recently i went to do a rocket (StarSpeed 1 V3) and when i wanted to launch it, this happened
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    StarSpeed Cargo (S)

    This is one of multiple SS versions... What are your suggsetions?
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    My rocket "improvement" so far

    Before After
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    StarSpeed blueprint

    Here is the blueprint of the StarSpeed i was working on. Dont forget on that it is still first version of it.
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    Space Station

    Made this Space station in just 3 rocket launches. 1 rocket had 3 parts and i sended 2. The last rocket was a docking hall. Here is result. I will do a smaller "satelit" that will be getting Cargo for longer trips.
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    Lunar modul

    For anyone. (Expansion not needed)
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    Here i am, returning from Moon for rank Titan

    Will send more since i Can do only 20 files
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    Stage and engine placement Bug?

    Somehow it leaves a free Space and cant be attached to the stage or engine
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    Achievments not working

    Why am i not getting achievments? Do i need Full version?
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    Stuff dissapearing from launch pad

    Does anyone know why my stuff just teleports like a kilometer above ground and than levitates/dissapear? I am unable to switch to it than because when i do it my game crashes. It happenes randomly or during a timewarp. ( <---Randomly too)
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    Realistic sounds in SFS

    Imagine having there this sounds... (WARNING its LOUD so play on lower sound)
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    Launch pad

    My first launch pad. Here are photos with info!
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    Mars landing bug

    So this happened to me 6th time in a row. Is it some Bug? (I cant move after landing)
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    Mars base mission rocket

    I still dont know if this Can get any Cargo to Mars tho. Does anyone have any idea for rocket that Can do it? This one is just for finding a good plače to start doing the base at.
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    Im just waiting

    Will have to "learn" some things i Guess too
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    I am about to finish Moon base.

    Since i am about to finish my Moon base, i will start with working on Mars base. I dont know how should i build it so any ideas (photos od you're bases to get "motivated" for some style) are welcome :)
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    Working on my first BP satelites

    This is what i maded so far.
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    Mercury mission First succes

    Already Landed there for FIRST TIME
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    Solar panel 2 or 3

    What do you think will be better? Normal solar panel or the bigger one? (Learning to catch the rocket)
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    Phantom 3

    Feel free to copy.
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    Free copy

    Do whatever, its free for anyone. (Still learning bp tho)