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  1. Iliketurtles

    What happened

    Good day gentlemen, I hope this post finds you well. I haven't been involved with SFS in almost two years and I had some questions for the people still active. 1. Are SFS and the community still as strong as it used to be? 2. How can I get sfs for windows? 3. What do you guys want with 1.6? 4...
  2. Iliketurtles

    I can't play

    So I haven't been able to play sfs 1.4 yet and I was wondering If any of you guys can get it to work on Chromebook cause I really want to play
  3. Iliketurtles

    ( Real Life) Opinion of Space Force

    So I know this isn't Sfs but. you might have heard about this space force. So I wanted to ask people what they think about this? Personally: I think its the worst thing that can happen to space. See space was the only place that had peace and only good things happen and adventure is the only...
  4. Iliketurtles

    Apollo 11

    So its been 49 years to this day ago that Neil Armstrong walked on the moon. So I did a little mission to recreate Apollo 11. It was easy but super fun, here are some pics. " The eagle has landed"
  5. Iliketurtles


    Hello, everyone, so today I have an easy challenge called the " small rover challenge " today you will attempt to make a rechargeable rover under 2 tons, or 2 tons. and you must send it to mars. make sure to show me pictures IT'S POSSIBLE!!!!!!!!