From this point onwards, Mooncrasher will be taking over, as the Head Admin and lead of this community.
I'll probably stay as a technician, like Gecko did, to help him if he ever needs help with the technical aspects of the forum.
I'm sorry that this feels so sudden, but the Discord server has really burned me up to the point where I can't stay in this community for one more second. I hope they are celebrating hard right now.
It's sad, because there's good guys and really good guys out there, but the majority of the community has turned into something that I don't want to lead. I don't have to moderate a place that makes me feel bad. I don't want to either. I really trust the new Administration will do better than I did.
If any of you guys ever wishes to contact me for any forum-related issue, or because you just wanna talk, my Discord DM's are always open to anyone who wants to talk, and my username is Blazer Ayanami#5987. You can also DM me via forum, but I don't advice you to do that, since I will barely check it from now on.
So long. It was a great pleasure while it lasted.
I'll probably stay as a technician, like Gecko did, to help him if he ever needs help with the technical aspects of the forum.
I'm sorry that this feels so sudden, but the Discord server has really burned me up to the point where I can't stay in this community for one more second. I hope they are celebrating hard right now.
It's sad, because there's good guys and really good guys out there, but the majority of the community has turned into something that I don't want to lead. I don't have to moderate a place that makes me feel bad. I don't want to either. I really trust the new Administration will do better than I did.
If any of you guys ever wishes to contact me for any forum-related issue, or because you just wanna talk, my Discord DM's are always open to anyone who wants to talk, and my username is Blazer Ayanami#5987. You can also DM me via forum, but I don't advice you to do that, since I will barely check it from now on.
So long. It was a great pleasure while it lasted.