
Horus Lupercal

Primarch - Warmaster
Deja Vu
Swingin' on a Star
ET phone home
If you're gonna say unrelated to a quote pish, at least make it accurate unrelated pish.

i like a10 better
cause thicc gun
Also gonna put this out there, and I have the greatest respect for the GAU-8, but the A-10 would be singularly useless against supersonic bombers and anti-ship cruise missiles.
So entirely unsure why you decided to add that into a quote about supersonic bombers and cruise missiles.

but does anyone care about f35
Its over-rated, over-priced and borderline obsolete before it's fully operational.


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So is not going to replace the F fighters?
Eventually yes. They're heavily invested in using the f-35 for EVERYTHING. And the different f-35 A, B and C versions are almost different planes entirely. I heard that they have only 25% common parts or something like that.:rolleyes:

Horus Lupercal

Primarch - Warmaster
Deja Vu
Swingin' on a Star
ET phone home
So is not going to replace the F fighters?
In my opinion in USAF service it'll be outlived by the F-15EX at least. In the USN / USMC, it'll likely need backup by F/A-18 Super Hornets for the same reason as F-22 needs F-15.
Until generation 5 becomes cheap or the main adversary, there'll always be a need for generation 4 and 4.5 backup to fill gaps in the sky.
The RAF has already designed, named and costed the replacement for the F-35 Lightning II (called Tempest).

Blazer Ayanami

Space Shuttle enthusiast // Retired Admin
Forum Legend
And the different f-35 A, B and C versions are almost different planes entirely. I heard that they have only 25% common parts or something like that.:rolleyes:
Oh yes, each one of them is almost like an entirely unique plane. That’s because they are designed to cover most (if not all) of the roles that an land-based and sea-based fighter can do.
In my opinion in USAF service it'll be outlived by the F-15EX at least. In the USN / USMC, it'll likely need backup by F/A-18 Super Hornets for the same reason as F-22 needs F-15.
I agree on this.

Horus Lupercal

Primarch - Warmaster
Deja Vu
Swingin' on a Star
ET phone home
That's pretty far thinking, I thought the F-35 was supposed to be the main western fighter for 30 years...
Team Tempest | Royal Air Force

It's becoming a political and logical nightmare. For example, the engines are serviced in Turkey. Which means 2 things.
Broken engines need to be shipped from the UK to Turkey.
If turkey are being naughty and we give them a slap, they'll decide not to allow in or give back our engines, leaving the planes grounded.

And this is just one hassle with F-35.

I saw a chicken who had an idea of what he was talking about.
I laughed quite loudly at this.


Builder of Stupid Rockets // Pres Ben //|**|\\
Fly me to the Moon
Swingin' on a Star
Not to mention, it's not like damage from bird strikes is a problem unique to the F-35. Basically every aircraft is vulnerable to them.

The epic chicken

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