Featured Big builds


/<***@Intricate Crafts are Mine✓***>\
Star Forger
Swingin' on a Star
Deja Vu
Fly me to the Moon
Under Pressure
"Well then, fuck you AND your solar panels too!" o_O
It's a creation and it has has its own value.
It might sound wrong but there are many things in SFS which are useless but still we use them.
And if you think this is useless then what about the things made by youtubers which need all kind of cheats.


Staff member
Team Valiant
Discord Staff
Voyager Quest
Man on the Moon
Forum Legend
It's a creation and it has has its own value.
It might sound wrong but there are many things in SFS which are useless but still we use them.
And if you think this is useless then what about the things made by youtubers which need all kind of cheats.
I think it was just a fun quote.;)
And to be fair, this creation uses the RCS bug, I think. That doesn't make it less fun.


My one launch station to Europa, built in november'18.
My most powerful, heaviest and most heavy rocket is TAU 0
Consists of 5 parts:
7843 t - block A × 3
2439 t - block B and part of the payload (SS)
998.5 t - PN (SS)
Mass - 11.280.5 TONS !!!
Height - 196 m (3 full drawings)
Start thrust - 16,200 tons

In this flight, the Pepela-Ts launch vehicle delivered in one launch the latest SS
into orbit in Europe using a variety of gravity maneuvers."
