Here is my team titan entery

New Horizons

58 AU from the Sun
Team Judge
Moon Maker
Swingin' on a Star
Under Pressure
Why are you people like this,one day ur gonna make me hate sfs
The goal of these missions is not to use blueprints in which you did not create. The goal of missions is to prove your skill so that you can obtain badges. I would recommend looking at other's entries, not arguing here. You haven't even done anything productive since the argument.

Well im not u guys,i cannot spend money on expansion packs
You don't have to spend money on expansion packs. Many people use BP editing apps like Koder - Code Editor for iPad and iPhone which I use because I am on iPhone.

You can take a look at my Team Titan Entry
The goal of these missions is not to use blueprints in which you did not create. The goal of missions is to prove your skill so that you can obtain badges. I would recommend looking at other's entries, not arguing here. You haven't even done anything productive since the argument.

You don't have to spend money on expansion packs. Many people use BP editing apps like Koder - Code Editor for iPad and iPhone which I use because I am on iPhone.
Plz go and look at mu contest