Post your Space Stations!

Kinda of a pain to use since it can’t be zoomed in at the ends very well.
Added an ion drive array on it so it can do interstellar travel I guess.


Mine started just like yours.
Just wish I would have planned a little more.
This one is much smaller, but planning was the lifeblood of it. 1.31 build, assembled in mars orbit with no cheats (we didn't have any...) and no refuelling (that neither...) And all I used for transporting the parts between planets was this:

And this assembled it:

The shuttles only travelled from LEO to LMO and back repeatedly, picking up parts from LEO that was sent up with simple rockets. Oh, and auxiliary boosters (because no refuelling...)
Here's the IPO in all her glory:

Older members might remember her... She's still in orbit :)...


Here's her story (from the time I started archiving it). First post:
Here's my IPO (InterPlanetary Orbiter) space Station around Mars. Been building it around Mars so it's been a tough journey... View attachment 232 View attachment 233 Station core, for power processing and distribution, and human habitation and work spaces. View attachment 234 Security, Reception, Conference centre (upper lobe) and Luxury living quarters (lower lobe). View attachment 235 Cargo Shuttle in the Supply Transfer Docking Bay. The other one is in the Human Transfer Docking Bay. Though both have human access. That rover between them is there temporarily. It's my Mobile Mars Base rover. An extremely versatile vehicle. Right now it is acting as a temporary solar array. View attachment 237 One of my ridiculously efficient worker drones.
Go check out the whole journey :)


I figured out a way to jettison the engines that the modules use to dock with each other. You put it on the other side of the docking ring with a small fuel cell you continually refuel through the journey. Then you jettison it when docked


Project Builder
Kinda of a pain to use since it can’t be zoomed in at the ends very well.
Added an ion drive array on it so it can do interstellar travel I guess. View attachment 5420
Wow does it make your device laggy?

I feel inadequate now :)
Don't worry like you said it's a start. I remember back when solar panels and docking parts weren't added, my space station was basically a small "H" made out of fuels tanks and grasshopper engine at each ends (ugly and small to sum up). Then updates came with amazing stuff while I was gaining some skills.
So here is the evolution of my ISS replica:




120 is my safe zone around earth. Less starts to get risky in case of some big unexpected event (and believe me, it does happen. I rebuilt the surviving parts around a new core 3 times... But it's still up there. Also, 120 takes less fuel to reach.


Yes. Or work drones going nuts... (They are invaluable when assembling a large station, but unloaded they accelerate like crazy). Dock shock has also deorbited many a station...


Project Builder
My last ISS experienced some disaster as well! I was performing the final burn of a Hohmann transfer when I planned a refueling, then out of nowhere the station went right on the probe like a bullet. One of the "SPs arm" was blown away...