Rocket Roadster

Blazer Ayanami

Space Shuttle enthusiast // Retired Admin
Forum Legend
Not everyone is in the habit of communicating clearly
You want to know something funny? I like the Falcon 9, but no the Falcon Heavy...
I would have to land the Two Boosters and the Main Stage and still don't reach orbit...
Also, how to control the Two Boosters simultaneously? If they are detached at the same time, they descend at the same time. IDK I just think an FH is difficult to recreate in SFS... That could be a challenge.

Horus Lupercal

Primarch - Warmaster
Swingin' on a Star
Deja Vu
Biker Mice from Mars
ET phone home
Also, how to control the Two Boosters simultaneously? If they are detached at the same time, they descend at the same time. IDK I just think an FH is difficult to recreate in SFS... That could be a challenge.
I had a similar issue doing a simultaneous drop pod landing sequence. The tip is after you separate, slow one down slightly straight away and create a time gap between landing you can work with