Quote of the Day


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There are new parts on SFS PC?! Is there something special to do to access them? I didn't notice anything special (other than realistic mode)...
It was a steam beta that was up temporarily, if I recall correctly. I think Stef made a mistake by releasing it, because it was taken down shortly after.:p


Space Stig, Master of gravity
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It was a steam beta that was up temporarily, if I recall correctly. I think Stef made a mistake by releasing it, because it was taken down shortly after.:p
Oh, that explains. Thanks

The epic chicken

Grim Reaper
Under Pressure
Fly me to the Moon
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Forum News Network with Mooncrasher
Issue: NEW-0012
Date: 23 Feb 2022

Welcome to the regular Forum news network broadcast where you can stay up to date on the latest space news and participate in random crap.

Daily quote:
“The saddest aspect of life right now is that science gathers knowledge faster than society gathers wisdom.”
-Isaac Asimov

Daily question:
What are your favorite/least favorite things that work in SFS but NOT the real world?

Space today:

Starlink Group 4-11 scheduled for launch on Friday (Delayed a few hours).
Time: Fri Feb 25, 2022 17:08 UTC
Rocket: Falcon 9 v1.2 Full Thrust Block 5
Purpose: Internet
Nation: USA

Ludi Tance-1 01B launching on Saturday (Delayed from Friday)
Time: Sat Feb 26, 2022 23:44 UTC
Rocket: Long March 4C
Purpose: Earth Monitoring
Nation: China

Tianxian, Hainan-1 & Others launching on Sunday.
Time: Sun Feb 27, 2022 04:00 UTC
Rocket: Long March 8 (core only)
Purpose: Various
Nation: China

Space (mostly) in the past:
Today, in:
1936: Rocket Mail test. Two (unmanned?) rocket planes were launched with mail and flew about 1000 feet.
1963: First static firing of one segment version of the Titan III solid rocket motor.

That's all for today folks! Goodbye and good morning!
This has been Mooncrasher with Forum daily space news.


Space Stig, Master of gravity
Staff member
Head Moderator
Deja Vu
Under Pressure
Forum Legend
What are your favorite/least favorite things that work in SFS but NOT the real world?
Favourite thing? Time-warp. I'd like so much to accelerate those pointless meetings to which I have to assist... o_O

Least favourite thing? SSTOs


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Voyager Quest
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That was a pretty good range, thanks everyone :) Some things in there that didn't occur to me, I was just thinking of how forgiving re-entry is in SFS. :p

The epic chicken

Grim Reaper
Under Pressure
Fly me to the Moon
Swingin' on a Star
Asteroid Contest Winner
Forum News Network with Mooncrasher
Issue: NEW-0013
Date: 26 Feb 2022

Welcome to the regular Forum news network broadcast where you can stay up to date on the latest space news and participate in random crap.

Daily quote:
'I need ammunition , not a ride'
-President Volodymyr Zelenskyy

Daily question:
Have you ever had weird experiences with SFS aerodynamics and heating? (Plus any other weird SFS physics things you can thing of!)

Space today:

Lots of news about Russia's space programs. It's not looking good, pity it had to come to this.
Antares and Vega are also in a tough spot, due to relying on Ukrainian industry for important components.

Ludi Tance-1 01B launching on Saturday (Delayed from Friday)
Time: Sat Feb 26, 2022 23:44 UTC
Rocket: Long March 4C
Purpose: Earth Monitoring
Nation: China

Tianxian, Hainan-1 & Others launching on Sunday.
Time: Sun Feb 27, 2022 03:05 UTC
Rocket: Long March 8 (core only)
Purpose: Various
Nation: China

StriX-β on Electron mission "The Owl’s Night Continues" on Monday.
Time: Mon Feb 28, 2022 20:35 UTC
Rocket: Electron/Curie
Purpose: Ground monitoring via radar
Nation: Japan

Space (mostly) in the past:
Today, in:
1966: Launch of Apollo 201, containing the CSM on a Saturn IB. First re-entry test.

That's all for today folks! Goodbye and good day!
This has been Mooncrasher with Forum daily space news.
Yeah, I've had weird re entries, like the the shitty shuttle B3 booster which sometimes loses engines during re entry (the engines are sheilded from reentry heat) , and also sometimes the re entry flame goes perpendicular to the heat shield


Space Stig, Master of gravity
Staff member
Head Moderator
Deja Vu
Under Pressure
Forum Legend
Some things in there that didn't occur to me,
Didn't expect the time-warp? :p

Have you ever had weird experiences with SFS aerodynamics and heating? (Plus any other weird SFS physics things you can thing of!)
Well, the rocket flipping back on reentry is a great classic. Even if it's not that weird in the end, it's pretty logic.


Retired Staff / Scale Inspector
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Fly me to the Moon
MOTY 2022
I sometimes get copious amounts of heat while re-entering at like 26km, but not bleeding off any speed. Really annoying.


Space Stig, Master of gravity
Staff member
Head Moderator
Deja Vu
Under Pressure
Forum Legend
What is your go-to destination when testing a new SFS creation?
You may not expect that one...
It depends of course on the launcher, but most of the time my go-to destination is LEO. Many of my launchers are optimized to carry the most payload to LEO, then from there it's all about delta-V optimizations.


Retired Staff / Scale Inspector
Under Pressure
Fly me to the Moon
MOTY 2022
I am the worst at optimizing reaching Leo, although I always realized that in long range challenge first you gotta get as much mass as you can to Leo, then make a good craft.


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Voyager Quest
Forum Legend
I expected some of those replies. :p
Was interesting to see your viewpoint on it, which is what I was hoping to see. I sometimes do the same or just use a stock rocket to get something (e.g, a rover) to the testing area (moon, mars, etc)

The epic chicken

Grim Reaper
Under Pressure
Fly me to the Moon
Swingin' on a Star
Asteroid Contest Winner
Daily question:
What are your favorite aspects of SFS?
That you don't need to be a rocket scientist to play it, like 4 years ago when dumbass me started playing and managed to build an ok rocket, while not knowing a single thing about rockets then