Quote of the Day


Alliance’s Executor // Unstable and Toxic
Deja Vu
Under Pressure
Fly me to the Moon
Swingin' on a Star
Moon Maker
MOTY 2021
I've never landed on a single one.


Space Stig, Master of gravity
Staff member
Head Moderator
Deja Vu
Under Pressure
Forum Legend
What's your favorite probe in real life or SFS?
Hard to say, there are many I like. From those notably:
- Voyager 2, only probe that made a fly-by of Uranus and Neptune, and one of the 5 existing that are leaving the solar system.
- Cassini-Huygens, a probe that orbited around Saturn during many years, and managed to land a small lander on Titan.
- New Horizons, only probe that made a fly-by of Pluto, and another one leaving the solar system
- Rosetta-Philae, first probe to orbit a comet and land something on it.
- Hayabusa 2, that managed to visit an asteroid, and send back some samples of it to Earth.
- Curiosity and Perseverance, probably the most ambitious Mars missions to date.


Queen of Awesome
Staff member
Fly me to the Moon
Swingin' on a Star
MOTY 2022
My favorite probes gotta be the Parker Solar Probe. Sure the voyager and other probes are classics, but this probe basically touched the sun!


Staff member
Discord Staff
Forum Legend
Unless something changed, absolute garbage. 60 ISP? My water powered rocket has more :p
Funny you should mention that....
I said that one could make an Ecorocket replica using.... ballasted SRBs.:p
(Ballasted to make the TWR more realistic for ecorocket;))

The epic chicken

Grim Reaper
Under Pressure
Fly me to the Moon
Swingin' on a Star
Asteroid Contest Winner
Srbs are cool, but we should be able to add solid fuel tanks to extend their run time


Retired Staff / Scale Inspector
Under Pressure
Fly me to the Moon
MOTY 2022
What's the biggest payload that you've launched in the IRIS pack? Drop a link!
Umm, I don't RMB
At it rn
Edit: Attempting 56t single bp noclip
Games dying tho
Edit 2: whole rocket crashed after i clicked a docking port, literally disappeared?!
Last edited:


Space Stig, Master of gravity
Staff member
Head Moderator
Deja Vu
Under Pressure
Forum Legend
What's the biggest payload that you've launched in the IRIS pack? Drop a link
Ah, I remember that one:
Kiloton Club

1000 tons to orbit, it took a few hours to design the launcher that would do this. :D

With a legit launcher (that fits into the building grid) I can't remember though.

The epic chicken

Grim Reaper
Under Pressure
Fly me to the Moon
Swingin' on a Star
Asteroid Contest Winner
Daily question:
What's the biggest payload that you've launched in the IRIS pack? Drop a link!

If you don't have IRIS pack, what about payload out of Earth's SOI?
I'd say the biggest payload I launched out of the soi was about 700-800 tonnes


Space Stig, Master of gravity
Staff member
Head Moderator
Deja Vu
Under Pressure
Forum Legend
I just managed to reach the symbolic threshold of 100 tons in LEO. With a legit rocket, here is it:
Spaceflight Simulator_2022-02-12-22-32-45.jpg
Some fuel tanks are streched to fit the required size, but that's still some fair bp edit. The result is cleaner but I don't get any advantage from this. Nearly 1600 tons on the pad, that's a big baby :p

Here is the flight:
Spaceflight Simulator_2022-02-12-22-32-59.jpg Spaceflight Simulator_2022-02-12-22-34-35.jpg Spaceflight Simulator_2022-02-12-22-35-15.jpg Spaceflight Simulator_2022-02-12-22-37-14.jpg Spaceflight Simulator_2022-02-12-22-39-46.jpg

100 tons is one fourth of the ISS, not bad.

Something tells me I will need that capacity soon...

The epic chicken

Grim Reaper
Under Pressure
Fly me to the Moon
Swingin' on a Star
Asteroid Contest Winner
I just managed to reach the symbolic threshold of 100 tons in LEO. With a legit rocket, here is it:
View attachment 78787
Some fuel tanks are streched to fit the required size, but that's still some fair bp edit. The result is cleaner but I don't get any advantage from this. Nearly 1600 tons on the pad, that's a big baby :p

Here is the flight:
View attachment 78788 View attachment 78789 View attachment 78790 View attachment 78791 View attachment 78792

100 tons is one fourth of the ISS, not bad.

Something tells me I will need that capacity soon...