Rip elbow

Danny Batten

Sanctor **《T》** MT/SP/TE/ Governor of Terra SOI
When I was seven I went on holiday to Cuba, a really nice holiday. My family had been saving for two years, anyway, 3 days in to the 3 week trip I got very ill. Within the hour I had been diagnosed with an acute appendicitis, and if I didn’t have an op in the next hour it would burst(very bad). So I got rushed to the operating room (this was already very traumatic), a little fact is Cuba has some of the best doctors in the world, but struggle because of lack of money. Any way when they were giving me the sleeping gas they didn’t give enough, so basically I was in a coma like state for the entire op but I was fully aware, I could think I could feel the pain of the operation!

That is true pain....


When I was seven I went on holiday to Cuba, a really nice holiday. My family had been saving for two years, anyway, 3 days in to the 3 week trip I got very ill. Within the hour I had been diagnosed with an acute appendicitis, and if I didn’t have an op in the next hour it would burst(very bad). So I got rushed to the operating room (this was already very traumatic), a little fact is Cuba has some of the best doctors in the world, but struggle because of lack of money. Any way when they were giving me the sleeping gas they didn’t give enough, so basically I was in a coma like state for the entire op but I was fully aware, I could think I could feel the pain of the operation!

That is true pain....
I hope you were good after that...

Danny Batten

Sanctor **《T》** MT/SP/TE/ Governor of Terra SOI
When I was seven I went on holiday to Cuba, a really nice holiday. My family had been saving for two years, anyway, 3 days in to the 3 week trip I got very ill. Within the hour I had been diagnosed with an acute appendicitis, and if I didn’t have an op in the next hour it would burst(very bad). So I got rushed to the operating room (this was already very traumatic), a little fact is Cuba has some of the best doctors in the world, but struggle because of lack of money. Any way when they were giving me the sleeping gas they didn’t give enough, so basically I was in a coma like state for the entire op but I was fully aware, I could think I could feel the pain of the operation!

That is true pain....
One other bad thing was through the entire 4 here op it constantly felt like I was suffocating


Well I also once had my nail ripped gloriously and instantly from my left big toe because I was fast downhill on a bicycle, I hit a stone with (weirdly) only the back wheel... Reflex a corrected the projectile underneath me perfectly... Then my left foot slipped off the pedal and as my foot got grabbed by the ground, the pedal pushed it forward so I couldn't pull up. Instant missing toe nail. It was hell.

Danny Batten

Sanctor **《T》** MT/SP/TE/ Governor of Terra SOI
Well I also once had my nail ripped gloriously and instantly from my left big toe because I was fast downhill on a bicycle, I hit a stone with (weirdly) only the back wheel... Reflex a corrected the projectile underneath me perfectly... Then my left foot slipped off the pedal and as my foot got grabbed by the ground, the pedal pushed it forward so I couldn't pull up. Instant missing toe nail. It was hell.
Ouch....that sounds painful


I experienced something bike related too. Our place has speed bumps cause people here are too dum to slow down. I once was speeding downhill and it was too late when I noticed a bump and I just got catapulted in to the air and my bike fell on me. The bike didnt harm me but I got a terrible scratch and cried like a baby for 5 minutes