Solar System (1.5.9) - Realistic

Good evening, I just want to clarify that the correct download link is the one shown in the main post. All shown downloads in the comments are outdated.
Works great on Android! No lag (tested on 4gb, 6gb and 8gb RAM phones) and no bugs so far.

For the people who are trying to install it on Android, you need the app "X-plore" (it's a file manager that let's you manage files from individual apps on newer Android phones). After that you just copy and paste the contents of the .rar file into "Custom Solar Systems" folder.

Awesome work bud, keep up the good work!
I like the pack, it's very nice.
The last pack I used didn't have more than one moon for Uranus while Neptune had only 2, it's nice to see more than 2 moons for those planets, especially Pluto.

However, I do have some problems with this pack, one of the biggest things that do bother me the most is Eris' orbit. Eris is farther than Pluto, another thing is Eris has a moon called Dysnomia. Another thing is where is Enceladus (One of Saturn's moons), I don't know if you're working on this or not though so I just wanted to say that. Those are the only two things that bother me about this pack, other than that, it's a 10 out of 10 pack, with nice detail and textures.

There is one bug though when you try to get into orbit from the earth, and you zoom out far, the moon's texture is shown. I don't know why. I can show you an image of what I'm talking about if you're confused.
I like the pack, it's very nice.
The last pack I used didn't have more than one moon for Uranus while Neptune had only 2, it's nice to see more than 2 moons for those planets, especially Pluto.

However, I do have some problems with this pack, one of the biggest things that do bother me the most is Eris' orbit. Eris is farther than Pluto, another thing is Eris has a moon called Dysnomia. Another thing is where is Enceladus (One of Saturn's moons), I don't know if you're working on this or not though so I just wanted to say that. Those are the only two things that bother me about this pack, other than that, it's a 10 out of 10 pack, with nice detail and textures.

There is one bug though when you try to get into orbit from the earth, and you zoom out far, the moon's texture is shown. I don't know why. I can show you an image of what I'm talking about if you're confused.
I should've mentioned this, I played this pack on the computer or steam version of the game, current version I don't know if this makes any difference or not
I like the pack, it's very nice.
The last pack I used didn't have more than one moon for Uranus while Neptune had only 2, it's nice to see more than 2 moons for those planets, especially Pluto.

However, I do have some problems with this pack, one of the biggest things that do bother me the most is Eris' orbit. Eris is farther than Pluto, another thing is Eris has a moon called Dysnomia. Another thing is where is Enceladus (One of Saturn's moons), I don't know if you're working on this or not though so I just wanted to say that. Those are the only two things that bother me about this pack, other than that, it's a 10 out of 10 pack, with nice detail and textures.

There is one bug though when you try to get into orbit from the earth, and you zoom out far, the moon's texture is shown. I don't know why. I can show you an image of what I'm talking about if you're confused.
Thank's for reporting these issues. I'm sorry but I do not have time to work on that issue right now because my scheduel is filled due to my companie . If I find the time to fix this I'm going to update the download link. Thank you very much tho.
hey eh idk can this map have other stars?
Well possibly yes, but I did focus to make a World with the Solar System. If you wish to travel to Alpha Centauri, Proxima Centauri, Sirius, Betelgeuze, UY Scuti or Pollux with their Planets and Moons I'm worried the game engine won't be able to handle that fluently. So to answer your question, I think it's better to keep it just our solar system. Thank's for your request.
Works great on Android! No lag (tested on 4gb, 6gb and 8gb RAM phones) and no bugs so far.

For the people who are trying to install it on Android, you need the app "X-plore" (it's a file manager that let's you manage files from individual apps on newer Android phones). After that you just copy and paste the contents of the .rar file into "Custom Solar Systems" folder.

Awesome work bud, keep up the good work!
you can use any other file app


Spiller of the Milky Way • Rocket Gluer
Deja Vu
Under Pressure
Fly me to the Moon
Swingin' on a Star
Moon Maker
Christmas Event Category Winner
It's an atmospheric feature of earth called clouds. I've also intended to give yourself a better feeling where you at because launching in orbit can be stressfull sometimes.
Yeah, but they dont look the best


Under Pressure
Fly me to the Moon
Many other free and clean software can pack and unpack rar archive, you don't need rar software at all. Also you can download rar software from legal souces instead of pirate sources, and then rar software will always be clean.
I'm using Windows 10 on and it works perfectly fine. Could be your folder declaration incorrect sir? And is please look up if you have installed Hydra 1.3.5 . I dont know if it's possible that this has something to do with that, but since your problem sounds kind of tricky, I'd recommend to download it. It has impact of the loading pulse of the game. The Mod [ Release 1.3.5 [Hydra] · JMteam09/SFSModLoader ].
If this isn't working then please contact me again.
When i do this because i have the same problem and the game just breaks
1. This looks sick, the textures and everything can be a bit blurry and pixelated, but, when its zoomed out it looks really good.
2. You can pass through Saturn and Jupiter, I don't know if you can change that or not since I am not a modder, but if you did this on purpose then thats fine.
3. I like how the atmosphere is darker and less colorful on earth, it gives it the realistic feeling.
4. There are lots of planets and moons, more than I expected.
5. Saturns Rings look sick. Put it in my pfp.

Overall: 9/10
Very good mod.

(Credit to Pterror on youtube for the SLS build in the first picture)

1. This looks sick, the textures and everything can be a bit blurry and pixelated, but, when its zoomed out it looks really good.
2. You can pass through Saturn and Jupiter, I don't know if you can change that or not since I am not a modder, but if you did this on purpose then thats fine.
3. I like how the atmosphere is darker and less colorful on earth, it gives it the realistic feeling.
4. There are lots of planets and moons, more than I expected.
5. Saturns Rings look sick. Put it in my pfp.

Overall: 9/10
Very good mod.

(Credit to Pterror on youtube for the SLS build in the first picture)

View attachment 99093 View attachment 99094
Thank you so much for your respond. Love to hear that kind of feedback! Have a great day!
nvm i figured it out just whenever i select the solar system it says Import_Setting.txt file is missing even though i see Import_Setting in the files and i dont really know what to do