Some future update mod ideas/wishlist

Horus Lupercal

Primarch - Warmaster
Deja Vu
Swingin' on a Star
ET phone home
@Altaïr I don't think I can study the RS-25 extensively, I do not have the exhaust pressure and exhaust velocity, I can roughly determine the fuel flow rate to be 518 kg/sec. Due to this I cannot reliably draw the graph using rough variables and numbers, could you help in any way?
All the numbers are from Rocketdyne working at 109% throttle
Exhaust pressure, I'm having a time figuring out. Chamber pressure is 2,994psia

Exhaust velocity is a bit easier.
Sea level Isp 366 x 9.802 = 3587.532
Vacuum Isp 452 x 9.802 (or whatever the actual gravity values are at that altitude) = 4430.504
@Altaïr Alright so here is another update, this is the basic graph template I plan to use for the report. The dotted line is the rate of pressure drop over 50 kilometers of altitude, its been made linear for easier viewing.

I also attempted to figure out the exhaust pressure manually, my numbers for exhaust pressure for seal level pressure is 283 pascal and for vacuum pressure is 31 pascal. It feels weird though, could you help me double check the calculations? By the way I assumed the specific heat ratio of the rocket engine to be the typical 1.2, and the other engineers I consulted told me that the engines running on LOX/LH2 can have a chamber temperature of 3400 K, throat temperature of 3050 K and exhaust temperature of 685 K.


Embodiment of Made In Abyss spoilers
Swingin' on a Star
Advanced explosion effects. A subsurface color for the planet editor would affect the dust plume color, and atmosphere would influence how the explosions are shaped. Impact velocity would also change explosion shape. Perhaps it would also create a crater.
Advanced explosion effects. A subsurface color for the planet editor would affect the dust plume color, and atmosphere would influence how the explosions are shaped. Impact velocity would also change explosion shape. Perhaps it would also create a crater.
Nah, that would lag the fuck out of the game. We also don't prioritize on crashing rockets, so it is unnecessary.