The Constellation of Eternia: A Game of Seven Stars

Blazer Ayanami

Space Shuttle enthusiast // Retired Admin
Forum Legend

The pack released on this thread is for the 1.4 version of the game, so it might not work in the 1.5 versions!!!

For the 1.5.X version of the game follow this link:
Eternia 1: The Game of Seven Stars (version SFS 1.5)


Hello, and welcome to Eternia!

Eternia is a Constellation of seven stars, each of them has their own planets, moons, asteroids, stuff with rings, and their own habitable bodies.

This pack replaces the original planets of the game, but you can save your real-life planets and quicksaves, by moving them to another folder, So you can install this one, and when you want to play with the real-life planets again, you can Install them back and repeat this process infinite times. In Eternia's folder In the attachments of this post there's a ReadMe.txt wich you really should read, so you learn how to switch between Eternia and the Real Solar System, as many times as you want :).

Eternia contains 130 bodies and its by a lot the biggest planet pack I've ever made. Is not the biggest in the history of SFS, but it is the biggest fictional pack. You might think your device won't hold, but mine only has 1.0 Gb of RAM, and it loads, So higher RAM devices should feel it as silk!

So what do we have here? Well...
1- Total Bodies: 130
• Landable: 113
• Not Landable: 17
2- Stars: 8 (7 of them have their own Solar Systems)
3- Planets: 39
• Gas: 8
• Solids: 31 (Iced: 5, Rocky: 16, Habitable: 10)
4- Moons: 70 (Iced: 19, Rocky: 43, Habitable: 8)
• With atmospheres: 18
• Without atmospheres: 52
5- Ringed bodies: 8
6- Asteroids: 12
• Rocky: 10
• Iced: 2

For the asteroids I'm only counting those in orbit around the stars, not in orbit around the planets, so the number of asteroids is actually bigger, cause I counted those as "moons" not as asteroids.

So, without further delay, a little about each System. I've decided that because of the limit of 15 screenshots per post, I'll show basic stuff only on this one and move the Screenshots themselves to a second post. I'm also gonna make an Imgur album so you can see even more screenshots!

First of all, all the stars on Eternia (except Ganthria) are in orbit around a black hole, named Deus Obscura. Here it is:
01 - Deus Obscura.JPG

Then we have our stars. Here they are
02 - System 1,2,3.png
03 - System 4.png
04 - System 5,6,7.png

First of all we have Velkarion, the red Dwarf. The version posted here is the same than in the thread "Forbidden Borderlands: the Velkarion System". So if you want more screenshots, and a more detailed explanation you should refer to that thread :) The difference (apart from some minor tweaks) is that on Forbidden Borderlands, Velkarion is a distant system that orbits the Sun, while here on Eternia, it is your starting position.
05 - Velkarion.JPG

Then we have Astrea, the White Dwarf, who returns from my previous pack Ragnarok. The difference between Ragnarok's Astrea and Eternia's Astrea is that Eternia's version is independant from Ragnarok, and now has 3 planets: Ankhman, a mining Asteroid, Mirana a habitable planet, and its moon Wylok, and Najenda, a former frozen body who has now melten and has oceans.
06 - Astrea.JPG

In third place we have Minerva, a yellow star. This is a totally new System I've made from zero. Minerva contains the planets Tiamat, Hisui, Nívea, Jumell-Eyra, and Seth. Also some asteroids. I would like to mention that Jumell-Eyra follows Altaïr 's guidelines about how to create binary planet on SFS.

12 Altair 1.JPG
14 J-E Far Away.JPG
15 J-E Map.png

and it works, their relative position never changes, like a real Binary system!! I can timewarp for hours and they still won't go out of position. I was surprised that J's speed around the barycenter was an integer number (414 m/'s), so to give E that same speed, Its orbit radius had to be also an integer number (with 7 decimals, but still not infinite). I wrote that full value on E's orbitHeight in the Planet Editor, so basically you can timewarp forever and still they won't go out of position.

So, Yes this is the first properly-working, fully-functional, Binary planet in the history of SFS.

Gurren Lagann , I am aware that you made a binary planet before, but you said yourself that these planets go out of position after a while, So they are not entirely functional. This one Yes. So, Minerva:
07 Minerva and Kerbol.JPG

In fourth place we have Kerbol. Yes, the complete Kerbol System is here on Eternia! This System was entirely made by GuHP20, and Its GuHP20's properly, So the credit goes to him! Also, the version here is basically the same used on his thread "The Kerbol System". I only did some visual upgrades to Kerbin, Laythe, Duna, Eve and Jool. They now have much more detailed HD textures.

The texture used by Kerbol is basically the same Minerva uses, So I'm not posting it here. Sorry, I kinda ran out of star textures...

After that we have Lutia, the Blue Giant. Lutia's planets are entirely made by GearWheel, they are GearWheel's property. My only change was, Well, put them in orbit around Lutia, because their original ones were in orbit around the Sun. Apart from that, for a more detailed explanation you can search his thread "After Earth".

Oh, In case you want to know, yes, I got both GuHP20 and GearWheel's Official authorization to include their planets on my pack.

Here's Lutia, whose totally invented by me.
08 Lutia.JPG

Even farther we have Erganium, the Red Giant and Djamayanti, a yellow star with Its own Solar System orbiting Erganium, So they are basically 2 systems in One. Erganium is star that has grown up dramatically during Its transformation to Red Giant, killing all Its rocky planets and leaving the gas giants only. Its transformation to RG also reduced Djamayanti's SOI making it lose Its only gas giant: Ragnarok, who it is now in orbit around Erganium. Djamayanti only has solid planets.

09 Erganium.JPG

And Djamayanti:
10 Djamayanti.JPG
I would like to add that the stars in Eternia are placed in an order of growing difficulty. So the farther you go, the more tricky things will go.
-Velkarion: Very Easy. For people who want to enjoy a nice Space experience.
-Astrea: Easy. For people who want go a little farther.
-Minerva: Medium. Consider the use of gravity assistances.
-Kerbol: Medium-Hard, but it worths it.
-Lutia: Hard! For people who like to plan missions very carefully.
-Djamayanti: Very Hard!! First dominate the Gravity Assistance, and work hard on your rockets
-Erganium: INSANE!!! For real Space Engineers and Scientists.

Eternia's default spawn/recover body is Udgard, the mechanical planet. The second planet around Velkarion. I've modified it So it matches Earth in all physical aspects, So your Earth rockets also work here. Here it is
11 - Udgard.JPG

So, That's it, that's pretty much all. Now the acknowledgements. Believe it or not, this pack comes to you Thanks to the direct or indirect help of many people. So, to avoid unnecesary pings, I will just ping the people who don't check planet Downloads much often.

4KidsOneCamera - for eliminating the letters and decals on the textures I used for Jumell, Tiamat and Nívea (he knows what I'm talking about).

dezway - some of the textures included on his Elemental Moons Pack are present here, on Eternia.

BANDWITH - creator of the texture "Atmo_Star" wich I used on DO, Minerva, Kerbol and Vadim. And for giving me the idea to make asteroids with weird shapes and not just only Phobos and Deimos shapes.

GuHP20 - Original creator of the Kerbol System and of some of the textures I'm using here.

GearWheel - Original creator of the planets around Lutia and of some of the textures I'm using, like Najenda.

Jupiter - creator of the textures of Kyjoo and Zella, on the Velkarion System.

TtTOtW, Gecko Gekkota, and Altaïr - Beta-Testers of Velkarion.

To all these people, Thank you!

So, finally here's the pack. Its divided un several folders, and you must download and install them all. I've included a ReadMe!!!.txt wich really should read before installing Eternia. Feel Free to ask me any doubts, here or in a DM. And please, I would like some comments. Enjoy Eternia, the Game of Seven Stars!


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Blazer Ayanami

Space Shuttle enthusiast // Retired Admin
Forum Legend
Okay, giving that I reached the limit of 15 screenshots on the first post, I will use this second post to show some stuff that I wish to remark on this pack. There are 130 bodies on Eternia So there's no way I can post them all here. I will post only a selection here, and for the rest I'll make an Imgur album :) .
I will make it with no particular order. So, first of all we have Ankhman, a mining planet. It is in Orbit around Astrea, Is Its first planet and it has no moon.

This is Arcanium a very weird and beautiful moon, around the Planet Itze, of the star Erganium. Whenever you want to cast a powerful spell, go to Arcanium, it will recharge your mana ;) .

Now we have the new textures I've implemented for Eve, Kerbin and Laythe, in GuHP20's Kerbol System!



This is Jingmei, the last planet of Djamayanti. As you can see, it is a small iced world and it has an atmo and a small ring:

Meet Vastium. Vastium is one of the moons of the gas giant Seth, around the star Minerva. It is a very volcanic world with a thick atmo. Great for a rovering challenge!

And now comes GearWheel's Tandem. I modified the atmosphere and the fog, and here's the result. I don't know what you think but to me, this is one of the most beautiful planets ever made:

To establish a Civilization, a good place is Kheili. It is the second moon of the planet Itze, around the star Erganium. What do you think?

If you're looking for some heat, go to Tiamat. It is the first planet of Minerva, and definetively a place for some summer vacations:

Or, in the other hand, If you're looking for some cold, then Nívea is the place for you! It is the third planet around Minerva:

This is my selection. There are a lot of good stuff on Eternia, So I've posted the others on an Imgur album.
Here it is:


the biggest planet in the solar system.
i wonder what if we make a space engine addon of this constellation... oh and, a constellation is a vast extension of space sorounded by imaginary lines from apparently bright stars seen from a certain place, like for example, the earth. but, in that vas extension of space theres trillions of more stars, and its very likely that theres a nebula. sooo.... i wonder what if we could make a 3D model of the entire constellation including the gas sorrounding it, the star forming regions, the clusters, and everything else... i think im thinking too much

Gurren Lagann

«★» Officer «» //PT
ET phone home
This is like- the best interstellar planet pack i had ever seen! I will play around with this pack for a long time, i think...
Just asking, but does this pack accept suggestions for new solar systems/integration of existing packs?


Alliance’s New President // Likes SpaceX replicas
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Swingin' on a Star
Hello, and welcome to Eternia!

Eternia is a Constellation of seven stars, each of them has their own planets, moons, asteroids, stuff with rings, and their own habitable bodies.

This pack replaces the original planets of the game, but you can save your real-life planets and quicksaves, by moving them to another folder, So you can install this one, and when you want to play with the real-life planets again, you can Install them back and repeat this process infinite times. In Eternia's folder In the attachments of this post there's a ReadMe.txt wich you really should read, so you learn how to switch between Eternia and the Real Solar System, as many times as you want :).

Eternia contains 130 bodies and its by a lot the biggest planet pack I've ever made. Is not the biggest in the history of SFS, but it is the biggest fictional pack. You might think your device won't hold, but mine only has 1.0 Gb of RAM, and it loads, So higher RAM devices should feel it as silk!

So what do we have here? Well...
1- Total Bodies: 130
• Landable: 113
• Not Landable: 17
2- Stars: 8 (7 of them have their own Solar Systems)
3- Planets: 39
• Gas: 8
• Solids: 31 (Iced: 5, Rocky: 16, Habitable: 10)
4- Moons: 70 (Iced: 19, Rocky: 43, Habitable: 8)
• With atmospheres: 18
• Without atmospheres: 52
5- Ringed bodies: 8
6- Asteroids: 12
• Rocky: 10
• Iced: 2

For the asteroids I'm only counting those in orbit around the stars, not in orbit around the planets, so the number of asteroids is actually bigger, cause I counted those as "moons" not as asteroids.

So, without further delay, a little about each System. I've decided that because of the limit of 15 screenshots per post, I'll show basic stuff only on this one and move the Screenshots themselves to a second post. I'm also gonna make an Imgur album so you can see even more screenshots!

First of all, all the stars on Eternia (except Ganthria) are in orbit around a black hole, named Deus Obscura. Here it is:
View attachment 25030
Then we have our stars. Here they are
View attachment 25031 View attachment 25032 View attachment 25033
First of all we have Velkarion, the red Dwarf. The version posted here is the same than in the thread "Forbidden Borderlands: the Velkarion System". So if you want more screenshots, and a more detailed explanation you should refer to that thread :) The difference (apart from some minor tweaks) is that on Forbidden Borderlands, Velkarion is a distant system that orbits the Sun, while here on Eternia, it is your starting position.
View attachment 25034
Then we have Astrea, the White Dwarf, who returns from my previous pack Ragnarok. The difference between Ragnarok's Astrea and Eternia's Astrea is that Eternia's version is independant from Ragnarok, and now has 3 planets: Ankhman, a mining Asteroid, Mirana a habitable planet, and its moon Wylok, and Najenda, a former frozen body who has now melten and has oceans.
View attachment 25035
In third place we have Minerva, a yellow star. This is a totally new System I've made from zero. Minerva contains the planets Tiamat, Hisui, Nívea, Jumell-Eyra, and Seth. Also some asteroids. I would like to mention that Jumell-Eyra follows Altaïr 's guidelines about how to create binary planet on SFS.

View attachment 25036 View attachment 25037 View attachment 25038
and it works, their relative position never changes, like a real Binary system!! I can timewarp for hours and they still won't go out of position. I was surprised that J's speed around the barycenter was an integer number (414 m/'s), so to give E that same speed, Its orbit radius had to be also an integer number (with 7 decimals, but still not infinite). I wrote that full value on E's orbitHeight in the Planet Editor, so basically you can timewarp forever and still they won't go out of position.

So, Yes this is the first properly-working, fully-functional, Binary planet in the history of SFS.

Gurren Lagann , I am aware that you made a binary planet before, but you said yourself that these planets go out of position after a while, So they are not entirely functional. This one Yes. So, Minerva:
View attachment 25039
In fourth place we have Kerbol. Yes, the complete Kerbol System is here on Eternia! This System was entirely made by GuHP20, and Its GuHP20's properly, So the credit goes to him! Also, the version here is basically the same used on his thread "The Kerbol System". I only did some visual upgrades to Kerbin, Laythe, Duna, Eve and Jool. They now have much more detailed HD textures.

The texture used by Kerbol is basically the same Minerva uses, So I'm not posting it here. Sorry, I kinda ran out of star textures...

After that we have Lutia, the Blue Giant. Lutia's planets are entirely made by GearWheel, they are GearWheel's property. My only change was, Well, put them in orbit around Lutia, because their original ones were in orbit around the Sun. Apart from that, for a more detailed explanation you can search his thread "After Earth".

Oh, In case you want to know, yes, I got both GuHP20 and GearWheel's Official authorization to include their planets on my pack.

Here's Lutia, whose totally invented by me.
View attachment 25040
Even farther we have Erganium, the Red Giant and Djamayanti, a yellow star with Its own Solar System orbiting Erganium, So they are basically 2 systems in One. Erganium is star that has grown up dramatically during Its transformation to Red Giant, killing all Its rocky planets and leaving the gas giants only. Its transformation to RG also reduced Djamayanti's SOI making it lose Its only gas giant: Ragnarok, who it is now in orbit around Erganium. Djamayanti only has solid planets.

View attachment 25041
And Djamayanti:
View attachment 25042 I would like to add that the stars in Eternia are placed in an order of growing difficulty. So the farther you go, the more tricky things will go.
-Velkarion: Very Easy. For people who want to enjoy a nice Space experience.
-Astrea: Easy. For people who want go a little farther.
-Minerva: Medium. Consider the use of gravity assistances.
-Kerbol: Medium-Hard, but it worths it.
-Lutia: Hard! For people who like to plan missions very carefully.
-Djamayanti: Very Hard!! First dominate the Gravity Assistance, and work hard on your rockets
-Erganium: INSANE!!! For real Space Engineers and Scientists.

Eternia's default spawn/recover body is Udgard, the mechanical planet. The second planet around Velkarion. I've modified it So it matches Earth in all physical aspects, So your Earth rockets also work here. Here it is
View attachment 25043
So, That's it, that's pretty much all. Now the acknowledgements. Believe it or not, this pack comes to you Thanks to the direct or indirect help of many people. So, to avoid unnecesary pings, I will just ping the people who don't check planet Downloads much often.

4KidsOneCamera - for eliminating the letters and decals on the textures I used for Jumell, Tiamat and Nívea (he knows what I'm talking about).

dezway - some of the textures included on his Elemental Moons Pack are present here, on Eternia.

BANDWITH - creator of the texture "Atmo_Star" wich I used on DO, Minerva, Kerbol and Vadim. And for giving me the idea to make asteroids with weird shapes and not just only Phobos and Deimos shapes.

GuHP20 - Original creator of the Kerbol System and of some of the textures I'm using here.

GearWheel - Original creator of the planets around Lutia and of some of the textures I'm using, like Najenda.

Jupiter - creator of the textures of Kyjoo and Zella, on the Velkarion System.

TtTOtW, Gecko Gekkota, and Altaïr - Beta-Testers of Velkarion.

To all these people, Thank you!

So, finally here's the pack. Its divided un several folders, and you must download and install them all. I've included a ReadMe!!!.txt wich really should read before installing Eternia. Feel Free to ask me any doubts, here or in a DM. And please, I would like some comments. Enjoy Eternia, the Game of Seven Stars!
I am impressed! Nice work!


Alliance’s New President // Likes SpaceX replicas
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I would totally install it if Apple could get their files act together.

Blazer Ayanami

Space Shuttle enthusiast // Retired Admin
Forum Legend
Just asking, but does this pack accept suggestions for new solar systems/integration of existing packs?

Yes :)
i wonder what if we make a space engine addon of this constellation... oh and, a constellation is a vast extension of space sorounded by imaginary lines from apparently bright stars seen from a certain place, like for example, the earth. but, in that vas extension of space theres trillions of more stars, and its very likely that theres a nebula. sooo.... i wonder what if we could make a 3D model of the entire constellation including the gas sorrounding it, the star forming regions, the clusters, and everything else... i think im thinking too much
Yes, I know.

I had a similar idea to make the nebula. Make it as the atmo texture of the black hole, but giving that the interstellar Space is millions and millions of meters wide, you would have to make the nebula INCREDIBLY detailed to Actually see something.
I am impressed! Nice work!
Thanks! :)


Space Stig, Master of gravity
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Head Moderator
Deja Vu
Under Pressure
Forum Legend
This is awesome!
I'm glad I could help for the binary system. :)
To be honest I'm surprised it already works that well, when I wrote that I was anticipating the improvements we should get with 1.5.

Blazer Ayanami

Space Shuttle enthusiast // Retired Admin
Forum Legend
It so pretty good, this star system, planets and etc... But The Wasteland have got moon called The Moon
Because your Wasteland is basically the real Solar System, only that chaotic. In Eternia, that System is not related to Earth in any way, So I had to rename the Moon as Selene, to make it look like is not related to the Real World at all.

Blazer Ayanami

Space Shuttle enthusiast // Retired Admin
Forum Legend
Okay, I have something to say: An update for Eternia is underway. GuHP20 can I include your planet Erebus on Eternia? You know I'm a big fan of your work :)

So, If anyone has a planet pack and wants to include it on Eternia, feel Free to send me a DM or post it here


《Sentinel》~ Pres Ben //|**|\\
Okay, I have something to say: An update for Eternia is underway. GuHP20 can I include your planet Erebus on Eternia? You know I'm a big fan of your work :)

So, If anyone has a planet pack and wants to include it on Eternia, feel Free to send me a DM or post it here
Of course!

Jez 10

Local Expert Pinoy
ET phone home
The Blazer, can I use the name of the planets? I'm writing a story wherein a mission is sent to planet Udgard (Velkarion System). I'm a big fan of your work!:D

Blazer Ayanami

Space Shuttle enthusiast // Retired Admin
Forum Legend
The next prototype of Eternia will be a whole new version. I originally thought about launching an expansion, but with the 1.5 new features, I will have to update EVERY single body on the system... also, several bugs will be fixed, new bodies and types of bodies (like comets, moons of asteroids, interstellar planets... new stellar systems... all of this means that I will have to rewrite almost all the code of the pack and perform new tests...

That's why I've decided to launch not an update, but a sequel... It's gonna be SFS 1.5's Eternia, and its name gonna be: Eternia 2: Doppler Effect.

I've already said the name several times on some places, but right now, I am making it official.

Gurren Lagann

«★» Officer «» //PT
ET phone home
The next prototype of Eternia will be a whole new version. I originally thought about launching an expansion, but with the 1.5 new features, I will have to update EVERY single body on the system... also, several bugs will be fixed, new bodies and types of bodies (like comets, moons of asteroids, interstellar planets... new stellar systems...) all of this means that I will have to rewrite almost all the code of the pack and perform new tests...

That's why I've decided to launch not an update, but a sequel... It's gonna be SFS 1.5's Eternia, and its name gonna be: Eternia 2: Doppler Effect.

I've already said the name several times on some places, but right now, I am making it official.

Hooray! I'm looking forward to Eternia 2, and good luck, dear friend and rival!

FYI interstellar planets are actually called rouge planets, just to let you know.