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Yeah, I saw the diagram on the side of the mag and my brain broke.
I've never even held a loaded gun, but I bet I could follow those instructions.


Space Stig, Master of gravity
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I hope for him that he won't make the same kind of mistake when he will try to shoulder the gun and fire it... :rolleyes:
I feel like a Darwin award is coming :p


That must be satire. must be.

What a fucking retard.

I'm sorry, but how in all that is holy is someone who is allowed to purchase a firearm and has spent actual money on one so fucking stupid.

I'm getting tourettes just looking at this.

there is even a handy guide on the side of the magazine showing which way the pointy end is supposed to sit!

Not just that, but to push a 5,56mm round into a magazine facing the wrong way takes quite a bit of work. Doing it over and over and over again?

How about stopping with the loli girls, go back to the fucking range and learn how to use your weapon properly.

Fuck man.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Horus I'm half screaming the way I'm laughing, not at his stupidity, but at your frustration XD

Horus Lupercal

Primarch - Warmaster
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but at your frustration
It's giving me bad memories of Joe doing Joe things when doing weapon lessons (or in general) and being like 'How!? How have you managed to fuck that up Joe? Talk me through the thought process, the sequence of events that led us here to this moment. Make me understand the thinking behind such monumental fucktardary please'.

Horus Lupercal

Primarch - Warmaster
Deja Vu
Swingin' on a Star
ET phone home
I hope for him that he won't make the same kind of mistake when he will try to shoulder the gun and fire it... :rolleyes:
I feel like a Darwin award is coming :p
He'd be fine. The magazine wouldn't fit home like that, the rounds won't compress enough as they are to allow it to seat into the well underneath the bolt.
I hope he does manage somehow to get the magazine fitted (through application of mong strength) and then try to make the rifle work.
He'll get the most ridiculous stoppage as the bolt tries stripping and feeding the first round in backwards and then be unable to get the magazine off again and have to strip the rifle and magazine to unfuck the situation (I've seen something similar happen before, when you tell a 18yr old that you can only push 30 objects into a spring loaded box, takes it as a challenge and pushes 32 in instead and then wonders why his rifle isn't working anymore).

Horus Lupercal

Primarch - Warmaster
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ET phone home
How good are the L85A2 and L85A3 vs the A1?
In looks, almost nothing. In how the rifle works, they're identical.

From a user perspective, the A1 and A2 are totally different weapons.
Basically the A1 is considered the worst mass produced 'battle rifle' ever introduced into a mainstream western army and you've all seen the reviews and horror stories.

I've fired all 3 versions, the A1 and A2 in particular and I'll say this.

H&K had to replace 95% of the parts outright to make the rifle work properly. I heard somewhere the only thing they didn't bin was the furniture for the upper and lower receivers.
Everything else had to be made stronger. Some things had to be changed completely (like the cocking handle shape).

I'll use a personal example. When I was in training in 2003, the A2 had not long been introduced and the recruit schools were still using A1s.
Every time we went to the ranges, one broke. Be it firing pins, extractors, ejectors, or one occasion the gas plug failed and fired forwards out of the block. Stoppages were so common they were routine, especially when firing blank. Failures happened so often that you were expected to carry spares and taught to replace parts.
The last time I fired it was the back end of that year, December time. The final thing you do at depot is the live platoon attack at a place called quickening cote in Otterburn.
Inside of 2 hours, every single rifle in my section was broken. I'm not exaggerating either. All of them. And we weren't even using them hard because of how the range works.
The only things that were working was the GPMGs, cos you can't break a GPMG unless you're a dick to it.

I got to my unit in the march of 04 and they'd had the A2s in for a few months or so.
Since then (and I'm talking over 16 years now), I've never seen or heard of one breaking unless it's been dropped.
Personally, I've never had a decent stoppage (by decent, i mean something more than an empty magazine or minor obstruction) with an A2 and (as long as you don't abuse it) will work first time, every time.
It's a perfectly accurate (600m on man sized targets isn't a claim, it's quite easily achieved), and reliable weapon, even if it does weigh more than a moon before you add a grip, torch, laser module, UGL with fire control computer, suppressor and a pear tree to the front of it.
And it's anti-leftie unless you know what you're doing with it.
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Horus Lupercal

Primarch - Warmaster
Deja Vu
Swingin' on a Star
ET phone home
Are bolt guns more accurate than semi-auto guns?
Ha, bolt guns are the weapons of the Adeptus Astartes and are incredibly accurate for short barreled, full auto, armour piercing rocket propelled grenades.

I jest.

Generally, yes. It's about round seating consistency in the barrel. All other factors the same, bolt action weapons give the round time to settle and places it in the same way every time where as a semi-auto bolt just chucks it in.

There are reasons like pressure tolerances etc but generally they are.


The Forum's Resident Whovian
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yes, very useless, the dumbfuck guy who placed those bullets the wrong way has the same INT stats as Aqua
Rule No.1 of shooting a gun 1 down place the bullet's backwards I know what happend and it's not nice when I shot a gun in the army cadets I nearly made the same mistake and I burnt my arm once to but the burn mark has disappeared

Horus Lupercal

Primarch - Warmaster
Deja Vu
Swingin' on a Star
ET phone home
Rule No.1 of shooting a gun 1 down place the bullet's backwards I know what happend and it's not nice when I shot a gun in the army cadets I nearly made the same mistake and I burnt my arm once to but the burn mark has disappeared
If you managed to make such a mistake, it won't hurt anyone. You'd never be able to chamber the round to fire it. You just look like a nugget on the range trying to explain why it isn't working.

How did you manage to burn your arm? Brass fall on your arm?


The Forum's Resident Whovian
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If you managed to make such a mistake, it won't hurt anyone. You'd never be able to chamber the round to fire it. You just look like a nugget on the range trying to explain why it isn't working.

How did you manage to burn your arm? Brass fall on your arm?
Yeah brass fell on my arm


The Forum's Resident Whovian
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From the weapon next to you?
I'm surprised. Unless the rules have changed, they never used to let cadets fire the full weapon. You used to get the GP, which was the A1 but minus the gas system.

Ha! Wait til you get brass down your collar. Then you'll know pain.
ive heard about it