Where I'm from…


Test Pilot
I thought it would be interesting to compare cultures from around the globe.
What kind if food do you eat? Which language do you speak? What do you do on your free time?

Gecko Gekkota

Former Empress of the AE
Forum Technician
What kind if food do you eat? Which language do you speak? What do you do on your free time?
just what ever i'm not super picky (just keep tomatoes outta here), I speak both English (1st) and south Walian (southern Welsh, 2nd). In my free time, I browse the forums or play what ever game i get to work on my laptop


Test Pilot
just what ever i'm not super picky (just keep tomatoes outta here), I speak both English (1st) and south Walian (southern Welsh, 2nd). In my free time, I browse the forums or play what ever game i get to work on my laptop
You sound like me but I speak english and spanish

Danny Batten

Sanctor **《T》** MT/SP/TE/ Governor of Terra SOI
I thought it would be interesting to compare cultures from around the globe.
What kind if food do you eat? Which language do you speak? What do you do on your free time?
Food: Crumpets Language: good old English free time :drink tea

Jez 10

Local Expert Pinoy
ET phone home
I thought it would be interesting to compare cultures from around the globe.
What kind if food do you eat? Which language do you speak? What do you do on your free time?
Language: Filipino
Food: Sinigang, Dinuguan, Liempo
Free Time: Play with kids outside (I act childish), and play SFS.


Language: Afrikaans.
Food: Boerekos (Typically rice, meat and plenty of vegetables, basically no spice except salt, maybe pepper and definitely gravy.)
Free time: Lose to my wife in Colin McRae Rally 2.0

Jez 10

Local Expert Pinoy
ET phone home
Language: Afrikaans.
Food: Boerekos (Typically rice, meat and plenty of vegetables, basically no spice except salt, maybe pepper and definitely gravy.)
Free time: Lose to my wife in Colin McRae Rally 2.0
salt? that's great, I'm addicted to salt.


Space Stig, Master of gravity
Staff member
Head Moderator
Deja Vu
Under Pressure
Forum Legend
For me:
Language: french
Food: bread, cheese and wine
Free time: complain about everything, go on strike.

In a word, I'm french :p


《Sentinel》~ Pres Ben //|**|\\
Language: Portuguese
Food:Normaly rice,beans,meat and vegetables
Free time: Play games, talk on Forum and Discord
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Veteran Astronaut
For me:
French language
Food: bread, cheese and wine
Free time: SFS to change my ideas. And my daughter ♿

Horus Lupercal

Primarch - Warmaster
Deja Vu
Swingin' on a Star
ET phone home
Come on, that's a legend. France never surrenders! ... Unless it's under attack of course.
The French are awesome at rioting and revolutions. Likely because they start a fight, realise they can't exactly surrender to themselves and are thus stuck with the conflict until resolution.
I've always enjoyed abusing the French for having a penchant for a white flag until this individual (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arnaud_Beltrame) surrendered himself to an IS nutcase in the place of some civvie hostages knowing he was going to get the good news at some point.
Since then I've sorta stopped cos it takes some absolutely ice cold titanium balls to do something like that.


Veteran Astronaut
The French are not all brave like him.It is not necessary generalized.Nous humans first and we are afraid for our loved ones and our life like everyone else.