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  1. Orion

    Back in time in the SFS Forums

    Well, I decided to have a look at the SFS forums on Wayback machine. Pretty interesting, and I ended up nostalgic for something I never experienced. Anyway, the earliest snapshot was back on May 18th, 2019. Mooncrasher was editing save files and exploring the universe And that abruptly...
  2. Orion

    N-body physics

    I was recently researching Principia, and I was wondering how difficult it would be to make a Principia style mod that added N-body physics to SFS. Would the 2D nature of the game impede it? Obviously I would have to somehow gut the current physics engine and make a new one, but is it...
  3. Orion


    AEP (Advanced Engines Pack) This pack contains some engines well suited for interplanetary and interstellar journeys. All engines are based off of real designs and concepts, so take it up with NASA if they seem OP. All the information about the engines and installation is in the file...
  4. Orion


    I've noticed even in a vacuum with torque disabled and no SAS, a spinning object will slow down. Is this unavoidable or a setting? Or is something going on with my specific game?
  5. Orion

    Texture pack help

    Whenever I try to install a texture pack, it doesn't work. I put the folder in the directory, but the textures don't show up. Can anyone recommend anything?
  6. Orion

    Orbiter 2016

    I'm just gonna post my orbiter stuff here
  7. Orion

    Realistic mode question

    What is the mass of earth in realistic? I want to calculate an orbital period.
  8. Orion

    Deja vu challenge

    No one seems to do this one... For mine, I ruled out replaceable parachutes instantly (too much work), as well as propulsive landing (needs too much fuel, not enough time for the second stage to get to orbit), and went with airbrakes: Near the top of each stage are grid fin looking solar...
  9. Orion

    Copycat: Ariane 5 ES

    Build grid: Launchpad: Booster seperation: Second stage ignition: 20t to LEO: Second stage still has enough fuel to go to high earth orbit.
  10. Orion

    Orbital mechanics

    Can anyone recommend some orbital mechanics textbooks, preferably not too heavy on the calculus? I hear I may need them for KSP.
  11. Orion

    Planet editing

    First: I can't find anything on how to make planet packs in 1.5. Is it the same as 1.4? Second: Are there any other levels of planet editing besides the team totan one? If so, what do they require?
  12. Orion

    Buying KSP

    Should I get KSP 1 or 2? KSP 1 is on sale right now, but KSP 2 looks like it adds quite a bit.
  13. Orion

    Thrust 4

    The Thrust 4 is a Delta IV Heavy-like vehicle that was designed to take 50t to orbit in realistic. Have fun! Thrust 4
  14. Orion

    Interstellar custom pack dev. thread

    I'm brand new to modding, but I'm going to make a custom.engines pack with a vast assortment of interplanetary/interstellar engines. I'll be using this thread to post updates and take SOME requests, not all (who knows, though). So far, I have this list of engines: (N2O4's electricity pack will...
  15. Orion

    Custom Parts

    I want to make some custom engines that haven't really been explored yet, but I need the tools first. I downloaded unity and made an account, but I can't figure out how to mesh it with the modding toolkit. I am dreadfully new to this (everything) so can anyone help me?
  16. Orion

    Any tips for getting into orbit in realistic?

    I recently started playing realistic and wondered if there was anything I should know about getting into orbit (LEO of course)
  17. Orion

    STS-3: Fly Me To The Moon

    Let me play among the stars (Payload): And let me see what spring is like (Shuttle stack): On Jupiter or Mars (Launchpad): In other words... engine ignition and roll: Booster detach: Core stage 2nd burn - LEO injection: Core Stage detach, Orbiter engines ignite to finish burn: LEO...
  18. Orion

    BP editing

    How can I edit a stage seperator to give it a lot more force?
  19. Orion

    Atlas submission

    Here is my Atlas submission: 700.70 tons to LEO, not including the launcher
  20. Orion

    CSAT Mission Developments

    Throughout the course of this thread, I will be reporting on the activities of STAR, Space Technologies and Research, as they launch missions to LEO, the Moon, and beyond. I will also be asking for votes on what missions should be kept or thrown away (simulating budget cuts), and mission proposals.
  21. Orion

    Under pressure, that burns a building down...

    Loaded the quicksave: Did a not very efficient transfer burn to Venus: I redid the Venus GA to lower my periapsis to almost exactly mercury level, but I forgot to screenshot it, so here's the first Venus encounter: My first mercury encounter/GA: Aaannnd a bunch more: For this one, I...
  22. Orion

    Juno: My swingin' on a star submission

    Let's start with my spacecraft and my Europa lander: My spacecraft is similar to my mars mission, but with bigger fuel tanks. I made it as realistic as possible, designed to support 6 astronauts on an 8 year journey. It includes the reentry and LEO Insertion module, at the front, which will slow...
  23. Orion

    Lunar base

    My heavily For All Mankind inspired lunar base:
  24. Orion

    Apollo LEM

    This is the LEM I'm using for my Apollo missions recreation, it works really nicely! BP:
  25. Orion

    J-2 replacement

    What engine can I use in normal mode that is comparable to the J-2?