Ideas for future updates.

List your ideas for future updates below. Mine is suspension for rovers and drogue chutes for landers (parachutes for higher altitudes but do less slowing down than regular parachutes).
-Large landing legs
-2 blocks wide fuel tanks
-Reentry effect
-Heat shield
-Docking arm
-More planets
-More engines
-Larger fairings
-Extend/Retractable Atenna dish
-Openable/Closable payload carrier
YEA BOII:cool:
+Astronauts,i want astronauts, ASTRONAUTS!!!!!!
-Jet engines
-Small , extremely high thrust engine that has a built-in fuel tank ( used for escapes such as launch escape , stationary escape..etc....)
-White capsules, the black one is ugly as my old rocket i built when im new to the game
-Day-night cycles
-Realistic engine audios
-Better engine textures
omg im bright


Tag1: Why is this orbiting the Sun?
Tag2: Supposed to go to Venus //actually nowhere near

like this? :p
Now I know why your shuttle is in need of a redesign... Because you don't know the first thing about being serious... :p