MoreParts Mod

Moreparts Mod V3.0.2
Moreparts adds new parts and mechanics to the game.


You can check how to use this mod in this link.

Colonies are new buildings that you can create on any planet in the solar system(except earth). Colonies are made up of different buildings that add benefits to the player

The ARPANET is the name of the constellation of satellites that you can create to control your rockets. This game mechanic is optional and can only be activated by implementing the Telecommunication dish or Antenna part on your rocket.

Planet Resources
this deposits are usefule to extract Material resources. This resource is necesary to generarate: Electric Compenents, Construction and Rocket material on Refinery building.

Custom Parts
Also some new parts are added to the game. Some of them are listed below:




Telecommunication Antenna

Continuous Track

Hinge Part

You can download the files here and you can check installation tutorial here
donde se encuentra el archivo dll de el mod de electricidad?(where i can find the dll file for the electricity mod?)
Just an idea:
Could you make a part that can construct rockets under like 100t or smth and have it require power and material? And this part could also work in space.


Spiller of the Milky Way • Rocket Gluer
Christmas Event Category Winner
Moon Maker
Swingin' on a Star
Deja Vu
Fly me to the Moon
Under Pressure
Just an idea:
Could you make a part that can construct rockets under like 100t or smth and have it require power and material? And this part could also work in space.
It would be cool if it essentially allowed you to have a second VAB, and when opening the world you could choose where to launch from. Limited amount of parts because of limited resources could also be cool.
most annoying thing about the satellite dish is when your on the other side of the planet making it fully uncontrolable so i decided to deactivate the parts and the mod
Can I have a list of resources needed to make the solar panel, refinery, VAB, launch pad?
also, what do I need to do to create rockets on a different colony other than earth? what materials and buildings are needed?
Why are my colony resources capped at 9.75? I can extract material just fine but when I put more in they are just deleted. I've double checked that I've installed the mod correctly and the game has been restarted with no change.