Kronian League


The Dark in the Light

I'm actually that guy
Joined 3 factions
Only 2 left now
Non-agression pacts are the best.
OK, so for example I could be in the UFP (Which seems a lot like UN) and be in, say, the Kronian League, that would be fine?


Yeah we don't "steal" members and jumpers are just not someone you want in your faction. Honour is vastly more important than numbers.


Actually if we keep things nicely divided nobody will have hard feelings toward each other. So let's take me and the Lieutenant. He's got Titan. Everyone wants Titan. So what. He scored. I took "leftovers". Happily. And made something relatively decent. It isn't what you get that matters, but exploiting it's full potential, that makes for great achievements.

Lt. Snakestrike

The Kronian Serpent; Mechanical Engineer.
Under Pressure
Swingin' on a Star
Head Professor
Actually if we keep things nicely divided nobody will have hard feelings toward each other. So let's take me and the Lieutenant. He's got Titan. Everyone wants Titan. So what. He scored. I took "leftovers". Happily. And made something relatively decent. It isn't what you get that matters, but exploiting it's full potential, that makes for great achievements.
To Be fair, Titan is actually a bit harder to develop than most of the asteroids because of the gravity/atmosphere. It's a challenge I'm up for though.