Favorite Mods of 2022


Queen of Awesome
Staff member
Team Kolibri
Swingin' on a Star
Fly me to the Moon
MOTY 2022
Here I’ll be listing my favorite mods that came out in 2022. This includes mods from both the mods section and custom parts section, and is not listed in any particular order.
note all images were taken from the respective threads

1) Smart SAS Mod by pixelgaming579
This mod is particularly useful, adding a very useful feature where it will automatically orient your rocket prograde and such. This makes long burns significantly easier without being cheaty. You can make your arguments if it’s cheaty, however the ability to keep your craft pointed in a direction isn’t really indicative of skill. It is a pretty self explanatory mod.

2) VanillaUpgrades by NeptuneSky
This has to be one of my favorite mods, adding so many quality of life features that there are too many to count. Namely it adds:
-more physical timewarp
-the ability to stop/slow time
-useful minor build ui upgrades
-other nice small upgrades that add up nicely
Sure some features are undeniably cheaty (such as time stop) however it is fun to play around with and utilize anyways

3) Closest Approach Line by Altaïr
A great navigation mod that helps those who frequently do interplanetary missions plan their ideal burns better by indication where your closest approach is and where the best approach is (the closest your rocket will be to the target in X amount of revolutions). Recommended for those who prefer the 1.4 navigation system.

4) PartEditor Mod by Cucumber Space
This is one of the most popular mods, so it really doesn’t need any introduction. It makes bp editing tolerable by eliminating the need to use external apps and editing a text file. For bp editors this is a godsend.

5) Brioche’s Apollo-Saturn Pack by Brioche
One of the most high quality custom part mod I’ve seen, it is most likely the best. It is incredibly detailed and (presumedly) very realistic. It adds many Apollo era rockets (not just the Saturn V!) most of which I’ve never heard of, and even has parts for the Apollo lander.


Space Stig, Master of gravity
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I'm glad to be in the list, thanks :)

Ironically I don't play that much with mods, the reason being that I make my own mods, and if something weird happens I want to be sure that it comes from my mod. I have no doubt about the quality of other mods, but we know that shit happens right? :p

So here's my short list:

More parts by dani0105: clearly a mod in which a lot of work went in, with totally original features like the Arpanet or balloons. That one really impressed me, especially that it's been regularly updated with new stuff.

PicoSpace industries' Utility pack by EmberSkyMedia: such features as the cargo bay or the petal fairing are unique too. Even if I only mention that mod, he made a whole suit that deserves to be mentionned due to the variety of new parts it offers.

PartEditor mod by CucumberSpace: a must have for those who like to bp edit!

VanillaUpgrades by NeptuneSky: a lot of appreciable improvements, with additional flight data, new shortcuts, the ability to slow time down, or the extended zoom limit make it very appreciated.

Closest approach line by... myself :p
I'm a bit narcissic there, but let's be honest, if I didn't like that mod I wouldn't have spent so much time on it. That closest approach is invaluable in some situations like when you want to chain gravity assist or anticipate a cheap encounter on several turns. With time I even managed to give it a metric precision, which allows to make some crazy anti-satellite tests and other mad things that would be unachievable otherwise.
BeautifulShuttle.png OUCH.png BetterShuttle.png
