Actually Complete Solar System (ACSS) Development Thread - and list of ACSS bodies

Should i add fictional moons to Planet Nine?

  • No, i'm fine with Planet Nine being un-landable

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Gurren Lagann

«★» Officer «» //PT
ET phone home
Welp, i think i solved it:
Manwe's name has a special character (ë), so it most likely doesnt spawn.
This is why it seemed fine when Biofatal Diapason put Mawne, but the iconic "launchpad in space" appeared when he put Thorondor.

Biofatal Diapason - i will release a small patch in a few minutes (from when i made this post).

Gurren Lagann

«★» Officer «» //PT
ET phone home
Do you have any ideas to make the comas of the comets, Gurren?
I'm gonna add the coma as a "fake atmosphere", with a light blue-white gradient as its texture. Comets that have images that clearly show the coma and its color will have custom coma textures based on their color.

Gurren Lagann

«★» Officer «» //PT
ET phone home
So... Where was i? Oh yeah, comets in ACSS.
I plan to add these comets so far:

But i think not even this many comets is enough. Any suggestions?

Gurren Lagann

«★» Officer «» //PT
ET phone home
Right. What's new in your pack?
Ryugu and Bennu
48 asteroids (including moons) in the asteroid belt
1 Jupiter trojan (Hektor, with a moon)
14 jovian moons
Saturn and 40 of its moons
Uranus and all 27 moons
Neptune and all 14 moons
17 centaurs/damocloids
37 Kuiper belt objects (including moons)
12 Scattered disk objects (including moons)
5 solar system bodies beyond the Scattered disk (including moons)
And finally, Planet Nine
As well as rings to the gas giants, day-night cycles for 3 planets and Pluto, and texture revamps for the inner solar system stock bodies.

Gurren Lagann

«★» Officer «» //PT
ET phone home
ACSS 1.2/The Comet Update has started its preparations for SFS 1.5 - aka Beta deveploment has started! (Actually it started at September 8th, but oh well)

Objects added in 1.2 Beta so far:
FarFarOut, The Goblin/2015 TG387, 2014 FE72, 2006 SQ372, 2013 SY99, Caju/2015 BP519 and 2015 GT50
First, thank you very much for this game and this pack. Because of this game I went back to my "astronomy studies". And entered this forum to thank you all :)
The game and this pack, really nice.

I had some issues. Tell me if I can collaborate with anything.
- a lot of textures won't load (moto g5s plus - 3GB RAM). Planets/asteroids.
- Some rings transparency won't work. I tried to redo some textures, but still won't work.
- some bodies, in the "graphic mode", are visible only at some level of zoom. If you zoom a bit, some disappear, some will cut the texture "pizza-like".

I couldn't run 28 of the bodies. At a point, I tested one at a time, til it crash, hehe.

I'll try to take some snaps later.
